What are some ways to have more confidence? Confidence feels like an iffy thing. Some days you may feel better than others. And on the good days, you may even wonder if you struggle with confidence at all.
But then things pile onto your plate, life becomes stressful and it doesn’t take long before you start to wonder if you’re good enough.
Are you capable enough to get through this?
And the unfortunate thing is when we experience trying times it can damage our confidence levels. The longer you stay in difficult moments, the harder it becomes to feel good about anything.
But the thing with confidence and self-esteem is it requires a conscious effort on your part to build it.
Just like a muscle in your body, having confidence takes a little work and some time to establish. And once you do feel confident enough, you also have to maintain it so when bad things happen you don’t feel the rug pulling out from under you.
That’s why it feels iffy. When we reach a point of feeling good enough we still have to put the work in to take care of ourselves and work on confidence. It’s not something you just let go of once you feel good enough.
Because eventually, your confidence will wane again. And this is good for you to just be aware of. If you think that some people are just born with confidence, that’s not the case. Some people are raised to believe in themselves and not question things.
But others grow up always feeling unsure if anything they’re doing is right. It depends on your specific situation and what you’re surrounded by in your life.
If you have a lot of negativity and toxic people in your life, your confidence and self-worth will crumble over time.
On the other hand, if you have a supportive group of people in your life who encourage you and are there for you when times get tough, your confidence will grow.
Tips To To Have More Confidence
Below I’m going to list 25 ways to have more confidence and I encourage you to pick out things on this list that fit into what you want to focus on more.
Write these things down and work on implementing little things into your daily life. Some of the things on this list are very easy to do and require little effort.
Once you learn how to add more of these into your life, you will begin to feel confident and it will become sustainable instead of feeling like it comes and goes.
Here are 25 Ways to Have More Confidence
ย ย Replace negative thoughts with positive ones
ย ย Ditch stains and holes. Dress nicely
ย ย Visualize yourself as you want to be.
ย ย Spend extra time on personal hygiene
ย ย Challenge yourself to do something outside your comfort zone
ย ย Take time to get to know yourself
ย ย Practice gratitude
ย ย Challenge your inner critic. It’s your worst enemy.
ย ย Stand tall and look people in the eye
ย ย Learn something new (Like This!)
ย ย Volunteer your time
ย ย Set and achieve a small goal
ย ย Replace a bad habit with something good
ย ย Set personal boundaries and hold firm to them
ย ย Smile often
ย ย Focus on the solutions rather than the problems
ย ย Take up something fun that gets you physically active ย ย
ย ย Complete something you’ve been procrastinating about
ย ย Make a list of your positive qualities and achievements
ย ย Bring out your inner creativity through art, music, dance, photography, or whatever you enjoy
ย ย Spend more time with those you care about
ย ย Distance yourself from those who do not encourage and support you
ย ย Clean and organize the space you spend the most time in
ย ย At the end of each work day, clear your desk
ย ย Take better care of yourself; physically, emotionally, and socially.
25 Ways To Have More Confidence – Conclusion
There you go! There are 25 ways you can feel more confident in your everyday life. If this list feels overwhelming, just pick one thing.
Once you’ve decided on that one thing, plan out how you’re going to add that to each day throughout the week. Identify the resistance you may be feeling towards trying this, and really start to focus on just taking one small step towards feeling more confident.
If you have any questions or comments feel free to leave a message below!