What is a bad mental health day? Well, do you ever have days that just feel impossible to get through?
Where your energy is low, nothing goes as planned, and every little thing irritates the hell out of you?
Here are some things you can do to get through a bad mental health day.
11 Ways To Get Through A Bad Mental Health Day
When you battle things like anxiety and/or depression on a daily basis, you will have days where you don’t mentally feel strong enough to fight them off.
Some days they will win and that’s OK.
I know for me, I’ll feel on top of the world one day and the next I’ll shut down and wonder what the heck is wrong with me. Nothing around me will actually be wrong, but my thoughts convince me otherwise.
I just don’t feel my best, no matter how much medication I take, how much mindfulness I practice, or how much I exercise.
That’s because some days, my depression just isn’t willing to see the good in things. It wants to keep me down, and that’s when I realize it’s a bad mental health day.
I like to relate it to having a broken arm. You can do all the right things, like physical therapy and resting. But, at the end of the day, your arm is still broken and it just takes time to heal on its own.
I’m not saying your brain is broken, but depression and anxiety are not always easy to manage. You will have times when you won’t feel so great. That doesn’t mean anything is wrong with you, though.
What I want you to know is when you choose to work on your mental health, you’re committing to it for the long haul.
11 Ways To Get Through A Bad Mental Health Day
There is no easy quick fix for anxiety or depression. Some days you will make huge strides in your journey, and others will feel like a setback.
Remember, there is a certified therapist standing by to talk or text you at all times here.
1. Practice Acceptance
When you start to realize today is just not your day, one thing you can do is practice accepting it.
Tell yourself “Obviously today isn’t going quite as I planned. My brain doesn’t want to work with me, and that’s OK. I can go easy on myself today and hope for a better day tomorrow.”
Acceptance helps you come to an agreement with your brain. You stop the resistance that is telling you that you should be happier than you are.
This is a way of practicing mindfulness in your everyday life. Mindfulness slows down your racing thoughts and allows you to be in the present moment. Accepting things you can’t change and reducing anxiety in the process.
Be sure to download your free mindfulness activities so you can quickly go back to having a better day!
2. Let go of Your Own Judgement
On a bad mental health day, you want to avoid making yourself feel worse than necessary.
It’s very frustrating when your mind doesn’t want to work with you, trust me I know. But, there’s also not much you can do in that situation.
Instead, you can stop telling yourself “I’m such a failure for not being able to control my anxiety/depression right now.”
Stop making yourself feel worse! Your self-talk on a bad mental health day is so important in helping you get back on track.
Stop the judgment. Don’t call yourself any names or get frustrated because you aren’t improving. Forgive yourself and be patient with the process.
3. Continue to Take Action and Try Not to Sulk
When I have a bad day or a bad week, I want to avoid everything on my day off. I shut the blinds and stayed in bed all day.
This is okay to do for a small portion of the day, but not the WHOLE day.
Whenever I do it for the whole day, I feel awful. Like I gave into my depression and gave it exactly what it wanted… isolation and negativity.
Don’t give into your current mindset. Work on taking action even if you aren’t feeling it.
Practice things that you know will help. I deep clean my home because when things are clean, I feel a lot better. Or blast some good music to release the tension.
4. Do a Quick 8-Minute Workout
There are a lot of quick workouts nowadays that you can do in less than 10 minutes.
The benefit of this is later in the day, you can tell yourself “I worked out today!”
Also, it improves your mood on a subconscious level. Remember, accept that today isn’t your best day. You don’t have to challenge yourself too much, and a quick workout still ensures that you’re practicing self-care even on your worst days.
5. Cook Your Favorite Meal
There’s a lot of peace that comes out of cooking. If you enjoy it, that is.
If it’s not something you enjoy doing, then you can skip this step. I personally don’t have a lot of energy to cook but when I do, I really like it.
The creativity that goes into it can help inspire you. And when you treat yourself to your favorite meal, it’s a great form of self-care.
Do you ever have bad mental days where it feels like nothing is going right in your life? Learn what to do during bad mental health days. These 11 tips will help you stay sane and positive during the toughest moments of your life.
6. Vent to a Close Friend
On your bad days, let your closest friend know what’s going on. Communicating how you’re feeling will definitely help you feel better. Suppressing how you’re feeling only makes it worse.
When you don’t let it out, you may even start to believe that you’re overreacting or what you’re feeling doesn’t matter. If you don’t have someone available at the moment you need them, another good option is to write out your thoughts in a journal.
This helps you get to a spot where your thoughts don’t feel so overwhelming all in your head and they start to make more sense once you get it out on paper.
7. Take a Hot Bath Before You go to Bed
I always used to think that people telling you to take a bath was an easy fix. Like, “Just take a bath and all your problems will go away!”.
Just so you know, that won’t happen. However, it will help relax you and is a great way to put yourself first.
Hot baths are a go-to at 8 p.m. on a Friday night for me. Paired with some candles and peaceful music, I seriously feel like I’m being pampered.
If you’re a highly sensitive person like me, then taking a hot bath can help release a lot of built-up overload.
Turn the lights off and keep the music calm and quiet. Make sure the other people in your house are occupied with other things and use that time to reset yourself.
Again, this isn’t something that I’m saying just for the heck of it. This works for me, and I believe it can work for you.
I have two dogs, so I have to get out for a long walk at least once a day for their sake. When I miss a walk, I know it. It actually can be the cause of my bad mental health day. Not only do I feel guilty for not walking my dogs, but I also don’t feel as energized.
Taking a walk out in nature is so beneficial for anyone who has mental health struggles. The sounds that you hear, and the sun on your skin are just what your body needs on a daily basis. When your body is happy, your mind becomes happy too.
Do some research on good places to take a hike near where you live. I don’t like walking near busy roads because they’re noisy and stress me out.
Figure out your personal preferences for a walk, and start doing it for just 10 minutes a day. After you do that, write down how it makes you feel. You can even use a daily mood tracker to see if it’s working for you.
Being prepared for the worst can help in a lot of ways. When you’re upset and unmotivated, it’s hard to think rationally and remember the good things in your life.
That’s why creating a mental health toolbox is perfect to have for a bad mental health day. This is something you can create today using ideas from this post, and here is a list of other things you can add to it:
When you’re stressed out you go into survival mode. That means doing the bare minimum to get by. That consists of eating and sleeping and the things you’re required to do, like work and school.
There isn’t enough space in your life to enjoy things when you’re in survival mode. But, when you’re having a bad mental health day, it’s good to just take a break and focus on finding inspiration again.
Take a step back and think about what things excite you. What motivates you to get up in the morning? If you can’t think of anything at the moment, then work on taking the afternoon off and coming up with something.
Think about the things you like doing in your free time, or what you used to do when you didn’t feel so anxious. Maybe that was taking a bike ride or going to a pottery class.
Whatever it is, start doing some research and try to organize your schedule to figure out how to add more of the inspiring stuff to your life.
When you’re inspired you start to light that spark inside you. The spark that needs constant attention or else it will burn out.
Anytime your spark goes out, you lose motivation and wonder what your purpose in life is. It’s essential for your mental health to keep inspiring yourself to move forward.
11. Talk To A Professional
It’s always good to talk to a professional if you can’t seem to shake the feelings of anxiety and depression.
This is a guide for people who are able to manage their mental health for the most part, they just have certain days where they need a little help.
If you’re at a point where your anxious or depressed thoughts are taking over your life, talking to a professional can help you get back on track and feel better.
11 Ways To Get Through A Bad Mental Health Day – Conclusion
I hope these things can help you in the future for any bad mental health days that you have. Everyone is different in how they handle stress and bad days, that’s why I wanted to give you a variety of options.
Are you living an authentic life? Authenticity is to be true to one’s personality and character. It means you’re willing to show the world who you really are.
You’re willing to live the life that you were meant to live. Authenticity is the ability to show your uniqueness to the world.
There are very few authentic people in the world, but you know them when you see them.
We’re naturally drawn to authentic people. We feel comfortable with those who are willing to be themselves.
9 Proven Methods For Living An Authentic Life
Use these strategies to start living an authentic life and show the world the real you
1. Know your values
What’s important to you? Make a list of every quality you think is important for a person to have. Now, put that list in order.
What are your five top values? When you know your values, the authentic choice in any situation is more obvious than when you don’t know your values.
2. Stop doing things you don’t want to do
You still need to pay your bills and take out the trash. However, you don’t have to play on the church softball team, drive your neighbor to the airport, or take care of your cousin’s cat. If something is too disagreeable for you, just say, “No.”
3. Do what you want to do
You can spend your time how you please. You don’t need a grand excuse or proof that you’re doing something noble on a cosmic level.
The fact that you want to do it is a good enough reason. It’s important not to hurt anyone, including yourself, but feel free to play the harmonica, dance in your front yard, or wear white after Labor Day.
4. Keep an open mind
When your thinking is very rigid, you limit yourself and prevent your true self from shining through. Preconceived notions are prisons that block you from being authentic. Learn how to experience the world from a variety of perspectives and an open mind.
5. Trust your intuition
When you ignore your hunches, you feel out-of-sorts. Trust your instincts. They’ll let you know when you’re not being genuine.
6. Be self-aware
You can’t be authentic if you lack self-awareness. Notice how you feel. Ask yourself, “What do I need at this moment? How can I meet that need?” If you ignore your emotions, you can’t be self-aware.
7. Practice boldness
The biggest reason for a lack of authenticity is timidity. We want to say and do certain things, but we’re uncomfortable with standing out in any way.
We feel vulnerable and exposed. A little discomfort never killed anyone, and there’s so much to be gained by being bold. Give it a try.
8. Openly share your opinion
Tell others what you think or how you feel about something. Of course, you’ll want to be tactful so you remain considerate of the feelings of those around you. Are you hesitant to share your thoughts on a topic? Ask yourself why that is.
9. Avoid perfectionism
Trying to be perfect is a huge limitation on your natural personality and expression. Avoiding mistakes and imperfection at all costs is a recipe for inauthenticity.
Life is short! It doesn’t make a lot of sense to pretend to be someone else.
9 Proven Methods For Living An Authentic Life – Conclusion
I hope these tips for living an authentic life encourage you to put your best self out into the world.
Authenticity requires courage and dealing with discomfort. But if you want to live your life to the fullest, authenticity is required.
Show the world the unique person you are, and celebrate your newfound freedom.
Why strive to strengthen your inner drive? Momentum makes it easier to create change.
It’s much harder to find the first client than to find the 10th. If you have to lose 50 pounds, the second 10 are easier to lose than the first 10.
The other day I shared some tips for how you can strengthen your self-esteem. But let’s dig a bit deeper today.
It’s just hard to get started when you’re trying to change something in your life.
It’s easier to keep a boulder rolling than it is to get it started. So use these tips to help you start.
How To Strengthen Your Inner Drive
Try these ideas to strengthen your inner drive.
1. Do something worthwhile as early in the day as possible
Whatever your big goal in life happens to be, do something about it first thing each day.
It’s a great way to show yourself that you’re serious about being successful. It’s also a way to build a lot of momentum that can carry you through the day.
For example, if you need to drop a few pounds, get out of the door ASAP in the morning and go for a quick walk. If you want to write a novel, write one page before you even take a shower.
Take an online class at SkillShare, CreativeLive or HerPaperRoute. Or, learn a new language. Anything that gets your brain buzzing before you have your morning coffee.
2. A small accomplishment early in the day can motivate you to do even more, later in the day
A bad morning usually drains your motivation, so ensure you have a great morning.
3. Make your bed each day
It might seem like a trivial act, but it can make a big difference. You’ve barely woken up and you’ve already accomplished something.
You’ll also appreciate it when you go to bed. Try it for a week and notice how much better you feel about yourself.
4. Find a mentor that’s doing better than you are
Even the most successful people can use a good mentor. If you need to lose weight, find someone that’s lost 100+ lbs.
If you want to make 6-figures, find a mentor that’s making seven. A good mentor will push you to be more than you’re currently demonstrating. Here’s how to get a mentor for free.
5. Be consistent
It’s impossible to gain momentum without consistency. Each time you stop, it’s necessary to get started again. That’s the opposite of momentum. Get started and keep going. Consistent action is the key.
4. Perform a 30-day challenge
Pick a habit you’d like to create and force yourself to do it each day for the next month. This is a great way to build momentum.
When the 30 days are up, you should be able to continue. You’ve already been doing it for a month after all. What’s another month or decade? Easy.
A compelling vision for the future can be the motivation needed to get started and to continue until you experience success. Think about what you want to accomplish.
Who do you want to become? What type of life do you want to live? Create an attractive vision of a future that fills you with excitement.
Few people have a long-term plan for their life. Even fewer have a plan that excites them. Be one of the few.
6. Be action-oriented
Most of us do too much planning and spend too much time gathering more information.
The people that accomplish the most are those that take action quickly, consistently, and aggressively. Focus on the actions you can take and actually take them. Momentum is the result.
With momentum, it’s easy to believe that you can accomplish anything.
7. Without it, everything feels impossible
There’s no substitute for work ethic and perseverance, but there are plenty of things that can be done to create momentum.
If you’re feeling stuck, work on creating momentum and then fight to keep it going.
For More Tips On How To Strengthen Your Inner Drive
To view my wellness course Refine Your Life Purpose + Wellness and all other lessons, click here.
Are you stuck, unsure of how to reach your full potential? Are you limiting yourself by ignoring the full potential you’re capable of reaching? At first, it feels like too much effort to go out of your comfort zone and see how far you can go.
That effort is what keeps a lot of people from even trying in the first place. However, it’s interesting to see what you can accomplish if you try.
Today I want to share with you some strategies you can use to reach your full potential and discover yourself.
7 Strategies That Will Help You Reach Your Full Potential
When you think back on your past, and into your future, what have your goals looked like? Have you often achieved the goals you’ve set for yourself, or do you let them slide to the wayside?
These are just a few questions to ask yourself as you work on reaching your full potential. A lot of what holds us back is our own thoughts.
As soon as you learn to reprogram your thoughts, you will quickly start to see doors open and your life becomes more fruitful.
1. Start with baby steps
As you create big goals for your future, break them down into tiny baby steps. You’ll get easily overwhelmed by all of the to-do’s, causing you to feel frozen in place.
Categorize the steps into groups and break it all down, then choose one thing to focus on for this week. If you want to start working out more, set aside just 5 minutes a day to focus on that.
To give you an idea of what progress and success looks like:
Just like with this blog that you’re reading, progress is a bumpy road. It took me a long time to figure out how to blog and how to get people to see it.
There were SO many times I just wanted to give up on it, but the picture from above is what’s kept me motivated to continue on this journey.
Once you can accept how progress really goes, you will have more patience with the process. It just comes with persistence and time.
The longer you stick with it, the more progress you will make. You will also learn a lot of lessons along the way that will build your resilience!
3. Narrow down to one thing at a time
Limit yourself to just a few activities if you want to reach a high level of mastery. Mastering anything takes time.
Patience is key to long-term development
For example, if you want to be more physically active then focus on just one thing. Maybe that’s replacing soda with water, or running 10 minutes a day.
Start small so the new changes don’t feel overwhelming. Focus on one thing, then move on to the next.
I am the type of person who loves to dabble in different things, so I don’t want to limit you to just one thing. But, it is helpful to focus your attention on one thing at a time so you get really good at it. Then you can move on to the next thing.
4. Imagine the new you
Another way to think of this is when you wake up in the morning, imagine being the person you want to be.
If you want to be healthier, ask what would a healthy person do. Then DO those things. If a healthy person would eat an apple instead of chips, do that.
Be the person you want to be by practicing this exercise.
5. Be persistent
In order to make lasting changes, you have to push yourself. Keep doing the grind and keep reminding yourself of your why.
Why do you need this, why do you want it? Keep that at the top of your mind until it becomes ingrained into you.
Consistency and persistence are key, as well as a tremendous amount of patience.
6. Always be learning
Connect with like-minded people around you who remind you of why you want this in the first place. Then learn from them.
Take online courses or even find a coach who can help guide you to where you want to be.
We can’t always do things alone and you’ll need plenty of support to nudge you in the direction you want to go.
7. Break free from fear
Fear can hold you back from doing anything, and from living an amazing life. Instead, you want to have fear be a part of your life, but not let it control you.
Allow fear to keep you on your toes and lean into it. Once you see that fear is just what you make up in your head to be scary, you will slowly become less fearful.
7 Strategies That Will Help You Reach Your Full Potential – Conclusion
And when you continue to step out of your comfort zone and embrace change, you will become stronger. Your grit will build and you’ll be resilient with anything life throws at you.
Be sure to enroll in my awesome online course ‘Refine Your Life Purpose + Wellness‘ to learn more about ways you can reach your full potential, discover your purpose, and create a life you love.
So now, go ahead and work to reach your full potential!
More life improvement tips to help you reach your full potential
When you come to a point of feeling lost in life, it gets pretty discouraging.
As soon as you start to evaluate your life and notice things aren’t exactly how you wanted them to be, it makes you question where you’re going in life.
Whether it’s from a lack of achievements, being stuck in a dead-end job, or comparing yourself to everyone on Facebook who seems to have their lives together.
There are so many ways we begin to wonder if we’re doing enough.
When you feel discouraged and lost in life, you can also fall into a rut where you feel stuck and confused.
Because to get out of this feeling means you have to make a change. And change is pretty terrifying. Finding a new career path requires going back to school and spending money on more classes.
Breaking off a toxic relationship means dealing with being single and having to date again. Taking time off to travel and figure your life out requires money which you may or may not have.
These are just excuses we make up in our heads about why we shouldn’t make a change. Even though right now is uncomfortable, it’s better than completely starting over, right?
The truth is the only way to break out of this feeling of feeling lost in life is to have the courage to make a change that puts you on the path you want to be on.
It might be uncomfortable at first, and you might want to avoid change, but once you start going after the things you want your future will become clearer.
6 Things To Do When You Feel Lost in Life
Try these activities to find yourself and create a future that inspires you again.
1. Make a list of things you’d like to SEE in your lifetime.
One of the reasons you feel lost is that you don’t have anything to look forward to. You can change that quickly by making a list of all the things you’d like to see in your lifetime. Here are a few ideas to stimulate your thinking.
The Great Wall of China
An opera in Italy
The Grand Canyon
The birth of a litter of puppies
Old Faithful
Mars through a high-quality telescope
A Rolling Stones concert
Make your own list and don’t be bashful. Now pick one thing you can do in the next six months. If your list is too extravagant, and six months is an impossible timeline, think harder and add more items to your list.
2. Make a list of things you’d like to DO in your lifetime.
When you’re writing down all of the things you want to do in your life, let go of any limits you feel. Think as though anything is possible.
Let your mind wander for a little bit and listen to what your heart truly wants. Chances are you’ve ignored what you really want for a while now.
You may have overlooked a desire or dream because of it’s price tag, or for some other self-limiting beliefs. But if you want something and are willing to work to make it happen, the money always has a way of reaching you. If you’ve ever told yourself “This would never be possible”, write down that thing. And start striving to make that thing possible.
It’s time to start changing the way you think about these things, so you can fill your life up with more of the things you love.
You had a lot of plans when you were a kid. Like becoming a cowboy or an astronaut or raising llamas. Your plans became more realistic as you age, but you still had plans that interested you.
Think about why you abandoned those plans. Maybe the reasons you changed your mind are no longer valid. Maybe they were never valid in the first place.
If they weren’t valid, think about setting new goals for yourself.
Your current mental state is quite common. How many people make the right choices consistently?
Nearly every adult wishes they could go back and choose a different career. This includes doctors, lawyers, and successful business owners.
Mistakes pile up over the years, and in your mind, the grass is always greener somewhere else. This is all a part of the human experience. The next part of your experience is working through it.
5. Remember you have a lot of control over your situation.
It’s easy to feel hopeless, but you have a lot of choices available to you. It’s a matter of being brave enough to choose the best one and run with it.
Even if you can’t see any options for you at this very moment, that is entirely in your head. There are thousands of different career paths to choose from.
And there’s other fish in the sea. You have the power to change your life, to start working out, eating healthier, loving harder, and being happier.
Although you may have heard some of these things over 10 times, it’s all about how you choose to react to it. You could swear off dating for the rest of your life and give up on relationships. You could also choose to stay at a job you hate.
These are all your own choices. You are creating your life, and just as you chose your current situation, you have the power to choose a new life for yourself.
There are plenty of things you want to do, you just don’t think you can do them.
You might believe that you’re too old, need more education, lack the necessary finances, and the list goes on. Look at your limiting beliefs and work through them.
Why You Feel Lost in Life & What to Do About It – Conclusion
Feeling lost is synonymous with lacking direction. Finding a new direction for your life is the key to stop feeling lost.
Find a few things you’d like to do and see this year. Plan a future that you find interesting and exciting. Once your mood is lifted, you’ll see the world with new eyes and be able to find new opportunities that excite you.
Remember, there is affordable online counseling available to you at all times, whenever you need to talk to someone.
Lately, I’ve been wondering how to live a more meaningful life. Wondering how I can have more control over my life. It’s something that happens as you get older.
You learn to let go of all these things you don’t want anymore. Things you maybe thought you wanted but eventually grow out of. That’s where claiming your true power comes into play.
Claiming your power is about your character and accomplishments. It’s the result of who you are and what you do. When you learn how to unlock your personal power, you can achieve your goals and lead a more meaningful life.
14 Ways to Step Into Your True Power & Live a More Meaningful Life
By harnessing that power, you will also speak up more about what you do and don’t want. You won’t feel so trapped by a life that you really don’t want.
In some ways, building up your inner power is like building up your outer body. It takes effort and practice.
Start with these exercises for cultivating inner strengths and taking positive actions.
1. Clarify your values.
Understand who you are and what’s important to you. You do this by getting to know yourself more. Don’t be afraid to do things alone and to step out of your comfort zone.
It’s too easy to have your values blocked by what you think you’re supposed to be. Instead of who you want to be.
Every day society is telling us what we should value and what we shouldn’t, but the only way to claim your true power is by ignoring all of these mixed messages.
Focus on what you value deep in your heart and what matters most to you. When you get clearer on this, your inner power will grow.
2. Practice Optimism.
The world tears us down from the moment we wake up until the moment we fall asleep. As the day wears on, your boss may criticize you or you get stuck in traffic.
It’s easy to allow these annoyances to change your view of the world. Making you more negative towards things that shouldn’t have that much power over you.
Focus instead on what is going right in your world. Sure, you have bad days because we all do. You’re not alone in this and I’m not going to try and tell you to just pretend to be positive all the time.
But there is beauty in the way that some people turn lemons into lemonade, right? Even when shit is hitting the fan these people can throw a smile on and shake it off.
Imagine what those people would do in your shoes. Laugh off the things that won’t matter tomorrow and turn your attention towards the things you love and value in your life.
Question your self-limiting beliefs. Have the courage to take worthwhile risks and give yourself credit for trying.
Building up your self-esteem is one of the best things you can do. When you believe in yourself, you build resilience towards anything in life.
This takes practice just like thinking more optimistically does. Most people aren’t born naturally confident, they are instead surrounded by things that build their confidence.
This means supportive people and allowing yourself room to make mistakes and take risks, without feeling like a total failure in the process.
Recognize your feelings without letting them distract you from making healthy choices. Stop trying to bury emotions deep inside, pretending they don’t exist. This only makes things worse.
You won’t learn how to deal with bad things if you never express your emotions. And the only way to gain control over fear, anxiety, or depression is by shining a light on them.
Whenever you feel sad, angry, hurt, or confused, don’t be afraid to sit with yourself and dissect why you feel that way. Validate your feelings so you can manage them.
5. Let go of baggage.
Free yourself from grudges and resentments.
Forgive yourself and others for any past disappointments.
Patiently accept reversals and delays as the price of success. Remember your purpose and renew your commitment when the going gets tough.
7. Be authentic.
Stay true to yourself. Be prepared to align your actions with your values even when it’s uncomfortable. Evaluate your progress according to your own standards instead of comparing yourself to others.
Authenticity gives you real strength.
8. Meditate and pray.
You don’t have to be religious to be spiritual. Faith and mindfulness can make you stronger and more resilient. Set aside time each day to give thanks and connect with your spiritual side.
Practice your faith by seizing opportunities to be kind and generous.
Your physical condition affects your personal power. Keep your body in peak condition with a balanced diet rich in whole foods like fresh vegetables and fruits. Exercise regularly and stick to a consistent sleep schedule.
10. Continue learning.
Adding to your knowledge and abilities also makes you more powerful. Sign up for educational seminars at work or study a foreign language at your local community college.
You can make yourself more likable and influential. Ask friends and colleagues you trust for honest feedback about areas where you need to grow.
Brush up on your attentive listening or public speaking skills. Monitor your body language and proofread your emails.
12. Network vigorously.
A robust network gives you more opportunities to leverage your strengths by collaborating with others. Help others by sharing your time, expertise, and other resources. Stay in touch with your old contacts, and attend events where you can widen your circle.
13. Aim for balance.
It’s tempting to limit ourselves to the areas where we feel safe and appreciated. Ensure you’re giving adequate attention to both your professional and family life.
14. Maximize your productivity.
Time and other resources are limited. Organizing your routines can help you to do more with less.
Mental and spiritual strength allows you to take charge of your life and your future. Claim your true power so you can realize your potential and have a positive impact on the world around you.