How to Create a Mental Health Crisis ToolKit

How to Create a Mental Health Crisis ToolKit

Do you struggle with mental health? What if you had a specific go-to tool kit that you could use whenever you have a bad mental health day?

I personally love to use a mental health crisis kit because I struggle with anxiety & depression. They both come out of nowhere a lot of the times. I get a tightness in my chest from anxiety and feel uncomfortable just going to Home Depot. When nothing is wrong, and sometimes it really bugs me.

But, I learned what works best through a lot of research. And some of these things in this list are personal preferences, but a lot of them are generally what works for everyone.

How to Create a Mental Health Crisis ToolKit

Pick out the things you like and make sure to add them to your own mental health crisis kit! Be sure to leave in the comments what other things you like to add to help your mental health.

It’s so helpful to create your own mental health toolkit so you can better understand what’s really going on. And to help calm you down.

A lot of the times we try to ignore how we feel in order to get through the day. But, instead, you can actually focus on allowing yourself to feel better!

Some days you will have to take it easy and listen to what your brain is telling you. If you’re burning out, stressed, anxious, or depressed these things can be so tiring on your brain and body.

You have to listen to your body and pay attention to the cues. If that means it’s a mental health day, then use these items and put them in your toolkit.

So you can quickly overcome these awful feelings. Once you give in, take a break, and allow yourself to heal, you will feel better. Stop fighting the process, just focus on healing yourself, and don’t worry about how long this takes!

1. Essential Oils

Certain essential oils can help relieve anxiety symptoms. Lavender, Spearmint, and Rose are my personal favorites to use.

Here are some other great essential oils to try to calm your mind:

  • Vetiver oil
  • Orange
  • Peppermint
  • Chamomile
  • Jasmine
  • Eucalyptus
  • Lemongrass

I love to use this LagunaMoon set that has 6 essential oils. The Lagunamoon Essential Oils Top 6 Pure Essential Oils Kitย can be used for:

Diffuser, Humidifier, Massage, Aromatherapy, Skin & Hair Care.

2. Mental Health Journal

Writing out whatโ€™s going on in your mind is a great form of therapy. Thatโ€™s why I have multiple journals in different areas that Iโ€™m often in, like my nightstand, office desk, and even in my purse.

3. Self-Help Books

Books are great because they help you connect to someone else and make you feel less alone.

4. Yoga Exercises

Yoga can help center you and quiet your mind. And the beauty of yoga is you donโ€™t even have to leave your house.

There are so many YouTube videos that guide you through an effective yoga practice, try this one below the next time you want to relax:

5. Grounding Techniques

Grounding techniques quickly help you come down from a panic attack, or even boost your mood if youโ€™re depressed.

And once you learn a few of the basic ways to ground yourself you can do it anywhere.

Itโ€™s a helpful tool to have in your mental health crisis toolkit.

6. Meditation Exercises

I have another blog post entirely on meditation exercises, but hereโ€™s a helpful video to get you started.ย  I like meditating when Iโ€™m in the mood for it.

I think itโ€™s hard to meditate when you really donโ€™t want to. And the yoga video or grounding techniques from above are another way to be mindful without practicing meditation.

But, hereโ€™s a great video that takes you through a meditation exercise:

7. EFT Tapping Sheet

EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques and it works by tapping certain pressure points around your body while speaking affirmations.

I really like doing EFT tapping because I immediately feel a sense of relief and calmness afterward. Itโ€™s a different form of meditating and allows you to physically tap your body so it gives you something to focus on.

Use this EFT tapping sheet to tap the right pressure points of your body:

Watch the video below to learn how to do EFT Tapping:

8. The Anxiety & Phobia Workbook

This workbook is one of the best for anxiety. It has many different sections you can work on depending on what youโ€™re struggling with.

Thereโ€™s a lot of helpful information in this workbook and itโ€™s definitely essential to have in your mental health crisis kit.

Try out this workbook for when you want to figure out what your anxiety triggers are. And to teach you more about yourself.

9. Weighted Blanket

Have you seen these weighted blankets? They can help with anxiety.

10. Have Your Therapist On Speed Dial

Did you know that with the BetterHelp app, you can talk to or text a counselor at any time? Someone is standing by to help you right now. There is no shame in asking for help, in fact, it’s what we all should do more often! Try BetterHelp for free right here.

Are you looking to take your mental wellness to the next level?

Myย Ultimate Mental Wellness Bundleย has an entire course on how to stop feeling overwhelmed and improve your mindset!

Do you have a toolkit for your mental health? If not then use this to come up with ideas of what to put in yours. A mental health toolkit keeps you prepared for anything and helps you push through tough times.

13 Essential Self-Care Practices For Mental Health

13 Essential Self-Care Practices For Mental Health

What are some essential daily self-care practices for your mental health? Practicing self-care improves your mental health in so many ways.

Itโ€™s not just about taking a bubble bath, self-care is so you can reconnect with your inner self.

With so much noise in the outside world, you want to make self-care a priority. Because your mental health suffers if not.

13 Essential Daily Self-Care Practices For Mental Health

Without a regular self-care regime set out for yourself, you can begin to resent other people who take advantage of you. Your body gets burnt-out when it doesnโ€™t get enough rest.

The longer you go without taking care of yourself the worse it becomes. Youโ€™ll get into the habit of not taking care of yourself which will make it harder to change.

So, letโ€™s make a pact to start making mental health a priority ok? Fortunately, it doesnโ€™t take a whole lot of effort to start seeing positive results in your journey.

Here are some ideas for ways you can implement self-care practices for mental health into your day.

1. Practice Gratitude

When you learn to be thankful for what you already have you wonโ€™t feel a need to constantly be searching for what fulfills you.

You wonโ€™t need to buy the next new thing that comes out just to temporarily make you feel better.

Set up a time daily to practice gratitude for just a few minutes. This can be by writing down 3 things youโ€™re grateful for, or just thinking about all the things you have in your life.

This will help you see whatโ€™s most important in your life.

2. Drink more water

I have a 40-ounce water bottle that I bring with me everywhere. Without it, itโ€™s nearly impossible for me to drink enough water throughout the day.

I recommend doing something similar to this to make it easier on yourself. Thatโ€™s the thing with developing new habits – they need to be easy to implement.

Get a cute water bottle that can carry half the required amount of water you need to drink every day. That way you only have to fill it up twice each day.

Drinking water keeps your body refreshed and energized, and it also helps you digest food better. And when your body is comfortable, your mind is comfortable too.

3. Communicate Your Needs

Of all of these self-care practices for mental health, this one needs repeating again and again! Get comfortable with expressing your needs to the people around you. If you need peace and quiet at home for 30 minutes, let the people in your family home.

If you need a different workspace than what you have, talk to your boss. Express your needs so you can start working at your best.

Itโ€™s not selfish and it gets rid of built-up anxiety. When you ignore your needs, it can take a toll on your mental health.

4. Set Boundaries

I think itโ€™s hard to set boundaries sometimes because we donโ€™t want to come across as lazy or rude.

But, working overtime just to please your boss will begin to ruin your respect for your boss.

Itโ€™s okay to set boundaries and to say no. Especially if you stand strongly behind that no. If youโ€™re being asked to do something that cuts into your personal time or that makes you uncomfortable, work on putting your foot down.

When you do this, you learn to put yourself first and know what your limits are.

5. Spend Time Outside

Always make sure to get outside for at least a few minutes a day. Unless the weather makes it unsafe to be outside. Iโ€™m guessing that most days where you live, the weather is calm enough for you to be able to get some sunshine.

Your body needs sunlight and your mind needs this to feel more connected to the things around you. If you have anxiety and donโ€™t like going outside, open up a window in your home and sit next to it for a few minutes.

6. Stay Organized

Clutter can cause a lot of anxiety and stress. When I let my clean laundry pile up, I get so overwhelmed that I just donโ€™t want to ever fold it.

Work on staying organized daily. If you have dishes, wash them right away and put them in the dishwasher.

If you have dry laundry, get into the habit of folding them right when the buzzer goes off.

Staying on top of the things around your house will give you a much calmer peace of mind. Organization allows you to think clearer and to focus on more important things.

7. Get a Work-Out in

I know working out consistently isnโ€™t easy. And if you struggle with anxiety or depression then you might think itโ€™s impossible to work out at all. But, it doesnโ€™t have to be.

It just starts with doing it for 5 to 10 minutes each day. You can do this in super small sections of time and build up after a while.

Here are some quick and transformative home workout plans you can do in the comfort of your own home.

8. Take Frequent Breaks

Busy isnโ€™t always better. Itโ€™s actually good to get into the habit of taking more breaks throughout the day. It can help to set a reminder on your phone every few hours to get up from your desk and stretch.

Even if you are really busy throughout the day, make time for yourself. I know itโ€™s not always the easiest thing in the world.

But, everything youโ€™re working hard for right now is to have a better quality of life in the future. And one way to do that is by making your mental health a priority so you can be mentally strong enough to push through anything.

9. Eat Healthy

Eating โ€œhealthyโ€ means different things to different people. I think as long as you are happy with yourself and your body is able to do what it needs to do, thatโ€™s considered healthy.

If that means eating a piece of chocolate after dinner every night, then do it. Eating healthy isnโ€™t always about fruits and veggies. Itโ€™s about your sanity and what makes you feel good, and finding a balance between that and fueling your body properly.

As a form of self-care, try to find the balance between the two. If you had oatmeal with fruit for breakfast and a salad for lunch, indulge a little and have some pasta for dinner.

Treat yourself and enjoy your life, while also being mindful of what you put into your body. Try not to make it super complicated.

10. Get Some Sleep

Sleep plays a huge role in your mental health. Unfortunately, anxiety can make it impossible to get a good nightโ€™s rest sometimes.

But, if youโ€™re struggling in the sleep department Iโ€™d suggest making this your number one priority.

Set up a sleep schedule and reduce caffeine before you go to bed. Shut off all electronics and calm your mind down an hour before bedtime.

You can even read a book to help distract yourself from your thoughts, as long as it doesnโ€™t keep you from going to sleep.

Don’t overlook the importance of sleep as one of the most crucial self-care practices for mental health.

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Have you downloaded our FREE Self-Love Book? Get it here!

11. Set up a Morning & Night Routine

Morning and night routines can change your life, seriously. I used to wake up and immediately reach for my phone. And would get stressed out when Iโ€™d see an email from a client who needed an immediate response.

The reality is, that client can wait. And the mornings are your time to enjoy peacefully. You donโ€™t have to start the day the moment your eyes open.

And the same thing goes with nighttime. You can wake up an hour earlier and get ready for bed an hour earlier, so you can have time for yourself.

If you donโ€™t want to wake up any earlier than you have to, then try to take just 5 minutes each morning to write some things youโ€™re grateful for and what youโ€™re looking forward to that day.

Free Download: A morning and night routine planner

12. Reduce Caffeine

I love coffee more than most people, but I know it can cause anxiety and make you feel shaky throughout the day.

It can also make it more difficult to fall asleep. I personally can only have one cup of coffee early in the morning or else itโ€™ll take a few hours to fall asleep.

Try to restrict your caffeine intake to only in the morning, and maybe 2 cups max. If youโ€™re really into caffeine you might gradually want to reduce the number of drinks you have throughout the day. Caffeine withdrawal is no fun and can mess with your mentality too, so take it slow and reduce your intake over time.

13. Fulfill Your Needs

Each and every day do at least one thing for yourself. No this isnโ€™t selfish and it doesnโ€™t make you a bad person. Spend some time alone, order takeout, dance along to your favorite music, or watch a guilty pleasure TV show.

Or my favorite, listen to an uplifting podcast for mental health.

Fulfill your own needs before anyone elseโ€™s. And remember, do this often!

13 Essential Daily Self-Care Practices For Mental Health – Conclusion

You matter and your mental health matters. Itโ€™s only when you take care of yourself and fill up your own cup that you can start to take care of others.

Just like the flight attendant says on any flight youโ€™ve ever flown โ€œmake sure to put on your mask before your childrenโ€™s.โ€

13 Essential Self-Care Practices For Mental Health

10 Best TED Talks For Your Mental Health

10 Best TED Talks For Your Mental Health

These are my favorite TED Talks for your mental health. Watching these TED Talks is a great way to expand your knowledge of your own mental health.

I love watching the speakers talk about their own experiences that relate to struggling with mental health. It kicks the stigma to the curb about hiding how you feel and pretending to feel okay when you really donโ€™t.

What I love about all of the TED Talks below is how the speakers talk about their own experiences with their mental health struggles. They are proof that you are not alone.

10 Best Ted Talks For Your Mental Health

Here are some great TED Talks for Your Mental Health anytime you need a reminder that youโ€™re not alone.

Mindfulness Activites

1. The Power of Vulnerability by Brene Brown

Brene Brown is one of my favorite authors and speakers, and this Ted Talk has been viewed over 40 million times across the internet.

She talks about shame, guilt, and vulnerability in a way that makes you want to embrace all of them. And she’s not afraid to laugh at herself, which is one of the reasons why I love her. She’s real and knows what she’s talking about.

Check out this list of amazing inspirational Brene Brown quotes, too.

2. How to Start a Conversation on Suicide:ย Jeremy Forbes

This Ted Talk hits the uncomfortable things we don’t always want to talk about. Like suicide. And Jeremy Forbes breaks it down by using his own experience.

He opens up on how we can start a conversation on suicide, which helps bridge this gap we have with mental health.

The mental health stigma is where we don’t want to accept that tragic things happen because we don’t discuss mental health enough.

3. Don’t Suffer From Your Depression in Silence by Nikki Webber

I like this Ted Talk because it’s a quick watch, which is great for someone struggling with depression. Even if you don’t have a lot of energy or motivation right now, you can give this a quick watch.

So you can feel better about your own journey with depression. Nikki Weber gives a relatable speech on how to stop suffering from depression in silence, from denying her depression to being able to open up to people about it.

And now she gives speeches on depression, and explains how you can’t just “shake it off”.

4. Thereโ€™s No Shame in Taking Care of Your Mental Health: Sangu Delle

Sangu Delle talks about how he felt like he should be strong and deal with his problems instead of admitting he struggled with mental health.

It’s no surprise that by repressing his emotions, his mental health ended up getting worse.

And he discusses what we went through during this process, and how he made it through to the other side.

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5. What is Depression? Helen M. Farrell

Helen M. Farrell accurately describes what depression is like, and this is a good video to show someone who might not fully understand what you’re going through.

The video also discusses what causes depression, which could be nothing at all. And what you need to do to get the proper help so you can feel better again.

6. How to Stay Calm When You Know Youโ€™ll be Stressed: Daniel Levitin

If you’ve been feeling particularly stressed lately, check this Ted Talk out.

Daniel Levitin talks about a story when he was super stressed out, and leads into how this affects other parts of your life.

I like this video because it teaches you how to stay calm when you’re stressed, and it’s also proof that bad things happen to everyone.

No one is perfect and you will hit bumps in the road sometimes, but you can learn how to control your stress levels.

7. The Bridge Between Suicide & Life: Kevin Briggs

Another captivating Ted Talk on suicide.

I don’t recommend this video for someone really struggling right now, instead, you should call the Suicide Hotline at 1-800-273-8255.

But for people who are interested in learning more about your mental health, Kevin Briggs talks about suicide and how it affects so many other people.

This is one of my favorite TED talks because of how he explains it so well and isn’t afraid to talk about the difficult things that we need to be talking about.

8. The Voices in my Head: Eleanor Longden

Eleanor Longden talks about how things on the outside don’t exactly represent what’s going on on the inside.

If you ever feel afraid to tell people about your mental health, definitely give this video a watch.

So often we feel like we’re going crazy if our minds are out of control. And yet, that couldn’t be further from the truth.

And as she will tell you, when you try to hide what’s going on, things get worse. Once you learn to embrace what you’re going through, you can then start to heal.

Mindfulness Activites

9. A Tale of Mental Illness, From the Inside: Elyn Saks

Elyn Saks goes into detail about her experience with mental illness.

This Ted Talk provides a deeper look into how mental illness can prevent us from functioning properly in everyday life.

Even when she thought there was no hope left, she found hope and persevered.

10. A Simple Way to Break Bad Habits: Judson Brewer

We all develop bad habits in our lives, from eating too much sugar to sitting on the couch instead of going for a run.

This Ted Talk explains how to break out of those bad habits and improve your life.

10 Best Ted Talks For Your Mental Health

15 Mental Health Quotes That Make You Feel Less Alone

15 Mental Health Quotes That Make You Feel Less Alone

Top 15 Quotes About Mental Health. Do you ever feel totally alone when you struggle with mental health?

Like when your anxiety prevents you from leaving the house or your depression keeps you from taking a shower?

Our mentality can make it feel like we are the only ones suffering inside. As if no one understands.

And yet, most people do suffer from mental health challenges. We just donโ€™t feel comfortable enough to talk about it with others.

The idea of going to a therapist feels like defeat because only โ€œcrazyโ€ people go to a therapist, right? WRONG!

15 Mental Health Quotes That Make You Feel Less Alone

The good news is the mental health stigma is slowly starting to change in society.

More people are beginning to understand what an impact mental health has on each and every person.

Related: Strong Woman Quotes For When You’re Having A Tough Day

And to help you continue to move in the right direction, I put a list together of some mental health quotes that will make you feel less alone.

Just remember, you are NOT alone. No matter what anyone says, thereโ€™s nothing wrong with you and you will pull through this.

You can even reach out to an online therapist and even chat via text message these days.

mental health quotes

Source: mentalmentalhealth.tumblr.comย 

self love quotes

Source:ย ย Lifehack

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mental health quotes

Source:ย arealhumanbeing.comental health quotes


anxiety and depression quotes


mental health quotes


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quotes about mental health


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Mental health quotes mental health quotes


mental health quotes


quotes about feelings


15 Mental Health Quotes That Make You Feel Less Alone

I hope you found this list of mental health quotes helpful.

For more motivation and mental wellness tips, watch my video below about building your inner strength to get you through the tough times.

This video is part of a larger training course. If you want to learn how to move from feeling lonely, unconfident, and stuck to feeling empowered, achieving your goals, and reaching your highest potential, click here to access the full course.

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Here are 15 inspirational mental health quotes for the days you need them. Positive mental health quotes.

7+ Amazing Mental Health Podcasts

7+ Amazing Mental Health Podcasts

Here are 7 Amazing Mental Health Podcasts you can listen to for free today!

Do you love listening to podcasts as much as I do? Or are you a newbie thatโ€™s interested in what theyโ€™re all about?

Podcasts have become really popular within the last few years, and for good reason! They are amazing. Podcasts allow anybody to talk about specific topics and connect with listeners around the world.

They are also 100% free! And they can be a life-changer when it comes to mental health.

7+ Amazing Mental Health Podcasts

Iโ€™ve listened to podcasts when I was stuck at my old job, wishing for a better life but not knowing where to begin.

The idea of starting a podcast sounded so cool (and I plan on starting one, soon!) and it sparked some creativity within that I never knew existed.

free self-love guide

I recommend to anyone who struggles with mental health to give podcasts a try.

And if you have a long commute, an isolated office job, or enjoy listening to something while you do homework, give these podcasts a listen.

You never know, these mental health podcasts could just change your life one day as they did for me!

best mental health podcasts 8

1. Radical Transformation Project

Faith Mariah is one of my favorite bloggers/podcasters. When she talks it feels like sheโ€™s talking directly to you.

Last year when I was really struggling with my own mental health, I listened to her podcasts religiously to help pull me out of the slump I was in.

If youโ€™re looking for a strong pep talk from someone whoโ€™s been there before, I recommend checking out her podcast.

Click here for The Radical Transfomation Project podcast!

best mental health podcasts herpaperroute

2. The HerPaperRoute Podcast

Chelsea from HerPaperRoute hosts the HerPaperRoute Podcast. This is an uplifting show that will no doubt motivate you to get up and make something creative.

From mindset and goal-setting tips to personal wealth management and encouragement for building a profitable business as a do-it-all entrepreneur, this podcast reminds you just how much power you really do have. You can change your own life for the better.

Listen to this episode about overcoming anxiety and getting out of your comfort zone:

Click here for the HerpaperRoute Podcast!

best mental health podcasts

3. Made Of Magic Podcast

Since my blog is mainly directed towards women (even though men are definitely welcome, too!), I thought it was appropriate to add this to the list.

The Made Of Magic podcast talks all about how to be more compassionate with yourself and develop inner peace. Something I think we all need more of.

Stephanie Dawn Elizabeth cares a lot about teaching you to accept yourself as you are right now, which will help improve your mental health quickly.

Click here for the Made Of Magic Podcast!

best mental health podcasts

4. Anxiety Slayer With Shann and Anganga

If you deal with anxiety, I recommend Anxiety Slayer. It will teach you absolutely everything you need to know about managing anxiety.

Shann and Anganga hit on topics like panic attacks, guided meditations, obsessive thoughts, and even how to support other people with anxiety.

This is definitely one of those podcasts to have on any list for when youโ€™re really going through something.

Click here for The Anxiety Slayer Podcast!

best mental health podcasts

5. Let it Out by Katie Dalebout

Iโ€™ve been a fan of Katie Dalebout for years and even bought her book โ€œLet it Out: A Journal Through Journalingโ€.

Her podcast is full of ways to start living your best life, and she exudes so much positivity that you canโ€™t help but feel a little more hopeful in your own life.

I recommend checking her out, and also her book on journaling because it takes you through how to journal and create the life of your dreams.

Click here for The Let It Out Podcast!

free self-love guide

best mental health podcasts

6. The Wilder Podcast by Karsyn Dupree

Karsyn Dupree was the one who got me hooked on podcasts and blogging. I remember a time I felt so lost and confused with my life, and wasnโ€™t sure there would ever be an answer.

At my old job, I would sit at my desk and listen to her talk, and after a while, I started to feel inspired and motivated. She made me feel like anything was possible. And she was the one that motivated me to start LovelyRefinement!

Her podcast is not only about mental health but also body image issues and other struggles she has gone through personally. And even despite all that, sheโ€™s a total badass who continues to spread positivity around.

Click here to listen to The Wilder Podcast!

best mental health podcasts 8

7. Wellness Realness by Christina Rice

I like this podcast because it talks about all things wellness. There are 7 dimensions to wellness and this podcast hits on all of them.

When it comes to mental health it is also important to look at different aspects of your life, such as physical health, spiritual health, occupational health, and environmental health.

If youโ€™re curious about how you can improve your overall wellness to improve your mental health, I recommend this podcast.

Click here to listen to the Wellness Realness Podcast!

best mental health podcasts

8. The Savvy Psychologist

Dr. Ellen is a psychologist who talks about a variety of mental health topics. But, she breaks down each issue into bite-sized pieces that are easy to understand.

I really like listening to her because she knows what sheโ€™s talking about (since sheโ€™s a psychologist) and yet I donโ€™t get totally lost in terms too big for my vocabulary.

She breaks the barrier from a professional therapist to a close listening friend with her tips on how to manage your mental health and I highly recommend listening to her podcast.

Click here for the Savvy Psychologist Podcast!

7+ Amazing Mental Health Podcasts – Conclusion

These are my top choices for mental health podcasts, but there are plenty of others out there.

This means Iโ€™ll probably be adding to this list really soon once I discover more!

Do you have a specific podcast you like to listen to for your mental health? Let me know in the comments below!

Do you love to listen to podcasts? Do you also love to work on improving your mental health? Then these 7 mental health podcasts are perfect to add to your playlist!