by The Lovely Refinement Team | May 26, 2019 | Finding Motivation, Happiness Tips
What can you do to find yourself when you’re feeling lost? I totally get what it’s like to feel completely lost with life. And if you currently feel this way, then please don’t feel discouraged.
The truth of the matter is most people feel lost in their journey through life. Even when it seems like they have everything perfectly placed together. And as if their lives are going exactly as planned.
But, I can argue with you about anyone in the world who, at one point or the other, doesn’t have a clue about what they are doing with their life.

How To Find Yourself When You’re Feeling Lost
Please don’t be fooled because it’s just not physically possible to have your shit together 100% of the time.
Life will do its best to throw you off the beaten path. And it’s when your life is far from perfect that you learn how to actually deal with it.
- I just want to get rid of this idea that you need to have your life figured out. Right now, or even 5 years from now.
I’m not saying to stop caring about everything in your life right now and just “go with the flow”. Remember, we are talking about our lives here.
Our own bodies and minds control what we turn into and this changes almost on a daily basis. You might want to write a book and travel the world today, and want to have a secure relationship/office job by tomorrow. It gets messy, and there is no one specific way to go about living your life.
If anything I think it’s more important to understand who you are and what you want, instead of trying to nail down the one thing that you can stick to for the rest of your life.
If you feel lost right now, then you’re in just the right spot of living life as authentically as you want to be. It’s only when we become complacent and don’t question our surroundings that we are in trouble.
When you look back on your ancestors and how the human body has transformed over the hundreds or thousands of years that we’ve been on this earth, you will see that a lot of it is out of your control. And you may feel lost right now because of what is engrained into your genes way before you were even born.
In simpler terms, we as humans are modified to be and act a certain way. Yes, our surroundings have morphed tremendously within the last 100 years. We have electricity, internet, heat & air conditioning, safe cars to drive in, phones that give us instant access to whatever we want… the list goes on.
- And yet we are feeling more and more lost. But, it’s because we are looking to all of these things to solve our problems.
100 years ago it was more about survival. About how to figure out where to get your next meal that made life less about “Will I have my life figured out by the end of this year?” and more about “Will I be able to survive until next month?”
Let me remind you that CPR was invented in 1960, which means before that we had no clue what to do when someone’s heart stopped. And while hospitals have been around for centuries, the average lifespan for each person has increased from 47 years old in 1919 to 80 in 2019.
As the world evolves we are getting better and better at solving the most inconvenient problems, and yet we feel more and more lost.

I personally believe it’s because of all of our problems being solved. Our brains don’t have much to worry about, which makes us worry about the littlest things. And those small things turn into big things after a while.
Okay, so how can you start finding yourself when you feel lost and unmotivated? Let’s start with a few steps:
1. Embrace Simplicity
Some of you may hate me for saying this. Embracing simplicity isn’t that simple to do, is it? And even when it is, will that really solve your struggles at the moment? It sounds too simple, right?
I just have to say that the more and more we go searching for outside resources to solve every problem of ours until our houses are locked, ovens turned off and lights turn on with the sound of our voice – the less we feel at all productive.
These things are immediate solutions to our problems, and yet they don’t deal with the deeper problems. Like, the obvious question “Since I have everything to solve my problems, why am I not any happier?”
And honestly, this starts by embracing simplicity. Instead of going on your phone every 20 minutes to search for the next new thing to make you feel better, leave your phone at home. Or on your desk as you take a walk on your lunch break at work.
Embracing simplicity allows you to become more in tune with yourself, and your surroundings. Which is the most basic way of living you can get. And it allows you to slow things down a little bit.
Remember, 100 years ago a lot of people didn’t have cars to drive, or even lights in their homes. Right at this time, a lot of people in the world were just getting used to the idea of something out there being able to provide them light in their homes that didn’t involve fire.
I’m not trying to give you a history lesson, instead, I am trying to remind you of where you have descended from. Even though we try to forget these parts of ourselves, there was once a time when nothing was so easily accessible. Mankind has worked its ass off for the last 100 years to replace every problem with a solution, hoping to reach this point of zero problems.
But, as I said, life is not supposed to be lived without problems. It’s inevitable, and if you are going down this route then I encourage you to instead embrace the simplicity of it all.

2. Talk About Your Struggles
If you feel lost right now, don’t be afraid to admit it! It’s totally ok to just say “I really don’t have this thing called life figured out right now, but I sure am trying.”
Because if you do feel worried about feeling lost, or feeling behind, or whatever it is you feel, it means you are trying. You’re trying your best to figure it out.
So open up about this, to whoever you trust. Maybe that’s your sister your therapist or your professor at school.
Whoever seems to judge you the least, please don’t be afraid to open up to people. We are humans who crave connection and you seriously need this in order to feel more content in your life.

When you open up, you will see that other people feel the same as you. And you will have a companion who is on your side – which will help you see that you can conquer this time of your life.
- Tip: There is this misconception that we are more appealing if we just keep our mouths shut and pretend that we have our lives together. But, truthfully? Other people will be so much MORE grateful when you open up about not feeling 100% confident about your life. They will relate to you, and feel more comfortable opening up to you.
3. Look Inwards
One of the main reasons you feel lost right now is because you aren’t living authentically.
Which means you aren’t living life how you want to. You have all of this outside noise telling you how you should live your life. And you want to do a good job, so that means listening to those voices. But, by listening to other people around you and ignoring yourself, you will become more and more lost.
This is a confidence lesson in its simplest form – look inward. Listen to your needs and your wants.
Start small by doing one thing that you’ve been wanting to try for a long time. Whatever the hell it is, do it. Then, build from there.
Want to run a marathon? Sign up for a race in the next 3 months! Want to learn how to sing properly? Sign up for a vocal lesson.
I know, I’m making it sound way simpler than it is for you. If you had the time, you would. Or even if you had the money you would.
But, that’s just a sign that you’re ignoring your needs and wants. Stop ignoring these things! I promise you, that the minute you decide to take action towards one small thing you want, you will feel way more empowered. Give it a shot, then send me an email if you don’t.
4. Make it a Point to Be More Real
I am a fan of Instagram just like most twenty-somethings. But, I’ve set my limits on what I choose to believe and what I ignore.
And you have to do this, too. Whatever you see on social media (whether that’s Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc), you have to set boundaries with yourself.
Most of the time people only post to get more likes, views, and shares. A lot of people will go to great lengths to prove they are worthy of going viral. Which sometimes means selling their soul.
It’s your choice to decide to let other people’s “perfect lives” determine how successful you are. If you are feeling pretty good about your life but see your friends from high school getting married and having children, don’t allow that to influence your decisions moving forward.
That’s just because you have no idea what is truly going on. If people are trying that hard to make it seem like they’re picture-perfect on social media, then there may be a chance that they are trying to cover something up. Something they aren’t proud to share.
I never use Facebook anymore, but if I am ever feeling down in my life I still get an urge to post something uplifting. As if to prove that I am strong. Facebook can validate that for me. Which is dumb. And I still fight that urge, but then it passes and I move on and totally forget about Facebook for another few months.
I would suggest to you that being more real is as good as you can get. Embrace your personal struggles and embrace where you are at right now. Be kind to yourself, as cliche as that sounds. I am saying that from my heart.
How To Find Yourself When You’re Feeling Lost – Conclusion
When it feels like everything you read on the internet is just a ploy to get more likes and shares, or for you to purchase something, I am here to tell you to just focus on being more real.
Once upon a time the term “follow your heart” didn’t sound so cheesy. At least, I’d like to believe that.
If you ever need to talk to someone, Betterhelp is here for you at any time day or night.
Alright, that’s it for this post. What are some ways that you work at trying to find yourself? Leave a comment below or feel free to email me with your answer! I always look forward to hearing from each and every one of you.
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by The Lovely Refinement Team | May 4, 2019 | Dealing With Emotions, Finding Motivation, Happiness Tips, Self-Confidence, Self-Esteem & Self-Love, Self-Improvement

You may be wondering how to live a healthier life. Whether that’s through eating better, exercising more, or even improving your mindset and feeling better about yourself.
The relationship we have with ourselves and our bodies has a big influence on our behaviors. If you self-sabotage yourself, it can make it really difficult to see the value you have.
Which can lead to unhealthy behaviors, like drinking more alcohol or overeating. And any time you are under a large amount of stress this can trigger these unhealthy behaviors.
So, what I want to talk more about is how to start living a healthier lifestyle.
And this sounds like an overwhelming thought, right? If you think that you have to completely change your life within a day, then you might not even want to start.
But, this is a part of the self-sabotage. Believing you don’t deserve to live a healthier and happier life, or thinking you don’t have the power within you to achieve these goals.
And as I go into this list I just want to remind you that you right now have the power within you to make a change. To live whatever life you’re currently dreaming of.
All you have to do is just believe this and then we can move forward on the HOW to do this.
How to Start Living a Healthier Lifestyle
Bring in New Habits Slowly
Whatever changes that you want to make, it first starts with breaking up with the bad ones, and creating new better habits.
And honestly, it takes a bit of time for your mind and body to adjust to a new habit. So let’s say you want to start working out more and everything you read on the internet says “workout at least 5 times a week for 45 minutes.”.
This is a BIG commitment to start making out of the blue. And I know for me personally, dealing with anxiety and depression makes it really hard to randomly pick up a new habit like this.
Instead what you want to do is start adding in a work-out routine slowly. Begin by setting aside 5 minutes a day for a week or two. You can even do the same workout, the point of this is to start changing your habits.
Once your mind and body are more in the habit of working out you can then begin to make it more challenging for yourself, and increase the time until you reach your end goal.
Drink More Water
This is so obvious but SO important. Especially as a health coach, I see people often who do not drink enough water.
It just doesn’t feel all that important, right? But, water regulates a lot of what is going on in your body. It helps with digestion and it balances out your blood sugar levels.
Aim for half of your body weight in ounces. So, if you weigh 150 pounds, you’ll aim to drink 75 ounces of water a day.
I used to be terrible about drinking water and only drank Diet Coke. But, I completely curbed this habit by buying 40oz water and always having ice-cold, clean water by my side wherever I go.
Now I crave water over any other drink! In the US water is the second most popular drink, behind soda. Obviously, this isn’t good and if you find that you aren’t drinking enough water, start turning this into a habit!
Set reminders on your phone and make water easily accessible to you. You can even add a fresh-squeezed lemon or lime to add a little flavor.
But if you find it difficult to drink enough water, you can also consider taking an IV hydration in Atlanta area, which is a quick and effective way of hydrating your body.
Spend Time Outside
I like to focus on a mind-body balance. When you benefit both, you will become the healthiest version of yourself.
Making sure to get time outside in the sun will help to improve your mood. If you suffer from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), then you know how important it is to get sunshine.
On top of improving your mood, your body needs movement every day. If you work at a desk all day then it’s even more important for you to get up frequently and get outside.
If you have a dog, get into the habit of taking them out twice a day so you can both get some exercise and fresh air.
Again, start with just 5 minutes of being outside and work your way up to 15 minutes twice a day. It feels small, but it will make a huge difference!
Reduce Sugar
Now I know how amazing sugar is and how good it tastes. Honestly, for a while as a teenager I would only eat sweets. And I became so hooked on candy and cookies that if there was any of it in the house, I would only eat that.
I had to cut back on buying the stuff because I knew that I wouldn’t eat anything else besides sugar. I’m not saying to completely stop eating sugar, because again I want you to improve your mood as well as your body.
Sometimes we need some ice cream or want to enjoy cake at a birthday party. And it should be enjoyed! The tricky part is it’s so easy to overdo it. Sugar and highly processed foods begin to taste way better than fruits and vegetables. But, they also cause heart disease, weight gain, fatigue, and a whole list of other problems.
So, work on reducing your sugar intake. White sugar has zero vitamins or minerals and when you consume it, your body has to find those vitamins and minerals elsewhere in your body.
But, if your body is lacking in those vitamins and minerals, then you fall into a deficit. Making your body and mind struggle and causing unnecessary issues.
This just starts by making better choices. If you’re craving sweets, go for a banana or some berries instead. Look for items that are reduced in sugar.
And if you can get into the habit of replacing sugary drinks and food with fruits and vegetables, you won’t crave sugar nearly as much. You’ll also be able to have sugar on occasion without overindulging in it.
Limit Your Social Media Time
Technology is a great thing while also kind of a terrible thing at the same time. It allows us to connect to anyone in the world within seconds, and yet we are becoming more and more lonely because of social media and technology.
If you’re in the habit of checking your phone often throughout the day, posting to social media and feel more confident when other people like your posts, or just like to use technology because you often feel bored then it’s time for a social media cleanse.
There are plenty of apps out there that can track your phone usage and alert you when it’s time to put your phone away.
When you put your phone down and instead learn to be more in the moment, you will feel better mentally. And feelings of anxiety and depression will reduce over time.
At first, you may feel anxious not checking your phone but as time goes on you will become more used to it. And then you will begin to feel much better because you won’t have to compare yourself so much to other people’s lives.
by The Lovely Refinement Team | Apr 10, 2019 | Dealing With Emotions, Finding Motivation, Happiness Tips, Self-Confidence, Self-Esteem & Self-Love, Self-Improvement
Here’s a list of 50 Things to Do When You’re Feeling Down!
When you’re not feeling your best mentally, it can put a cloud over your whole day.
I’ve found that writing out lists really helps to activate different parts of your brain, and it takes your mind off what you’re struggling with.
Grab a journal and a pen and let your mind go. This can help inspire you once you see that you can think about positive things, even when you’re feeling down.
Choose which items below sound the most interesting and start writing!
- List all the things you’d do if you weren’t so afraid
- List the places you go in your mind when you want peace and quiet
- What the perfect day looks like to you
- All the reasons why you’re amazing
- What always makes you laugh
- All the qualities in yourself you like the most
- All the people who love you for who you are
- Things you’d get rid of to make the world better
- The best gifts you’ve ever been given
- The things you can’t live without
- All the ways you’ve changed for the better
- The things you must do before you die
- The moments in your life that taught you the biggest life lessons
- The biggest turning points in your life
- All the ways you sabotage yourself from having a great life
- How you’d like to change your life for the better
- The major losses you’ve survived in your life
- All of your favorite movies
- All the songs you know by heart
- Your favorite life quotes that inspire you
- The nicest thing anyone’s ever done for you
- The people you’d like to weed out of your life
- What values you need in your life to have a fulfilling life
- The things you will not tolerate no matter what
- The times you said yes when you wish you’d said no
- Any miracles you’ve seen happen
- The times that remind you of your connection to the “Big Picture”
- The most important turning points in your life
- All the things you can do with your eyes closed
- All the foods you’d eat if calories didn’t exist
- Your favorite parts about your body
- Your favorite ways to exercise
- The teachers that have changed your life
- The best stuff your parents taught you about life
- Suddenly you can recreate your childhood – list what you would change to improve your present life
- Your favorite animals
- What you would do right now to improve your mood, with zero limits
- All the things you still want to learn
- The traits you love in other people
- The things you always worry about and what you would do if they didn’t worry you anymore
- What you would do with 10 million dollars
- The top 10 places you want to travel to
- All the foods you’d love to always have in your fridge
- The books you want to read
- Your favorite scenes from TV/movies
- The things you would tell your younger self
- All the things included in your 5-year plan
- Everything you need to get done this week
- The times you’ve put your mind to something and succeeded
- Everything you’re grateful for in your life
Related: The Ultimate Mental Wellness Bundle

by The Lovely Refinement Team | Apr 7, 2019 | Dealing With Emotions, Finding Motivation, Happiness Tips, Self-Confidence, Self-Esteem & Self-Love, Self-Improvement
Most days you’re stuck in a daily routine that is slowly becoming very dull? And waking up to a new day doesn’t feel exciting, because it just means starting the cycle all over again.
It feels like a trap. You have to get up and get to work to pay the bills.
And the constant stress of trying to keep it all together is wearing on you.
If it feels like your life has come to a halt, and you aren’t sure if it’s ever going to get any better, you’ve come to the right place!
The truth is, you don’t have to live on a hamster wheel for the rest of your life.
There are things you can do every day to improve your life. And I’m not talking about things you think you “should” be doing, like being more successful or making more money.
I’m talking about the things you enjoy. Whether that’s reading a book, sitting out in the sun, or playing with puppies.
Doing more of the things that fill up your cup will drastically improve your life.
1. Write down everything you’ve ever wanted to do
Think about the things you’ve always wanted to try in your life.
Write those down, and then write down why they haven’t happened yet.
What is holding you back from trying these things today? Tomorrow? Is it fear, or a legit reason like lack of money?
It all starts with your own mindset on how you view your life.
Maybe you think that you need to stay at a job for a few years to get promoted, and make more money, then you can afford to travel more.
After it’s all out in front of you, think about how you can start doing these things on this list.
Once you determine your reason why, write down how you could actually make it happen this year.
If you want to travel more, you don’t need that much money to start.
Circle the top 3 items on your list, and start focusing on how you can make these things a reality.
This will help you get off the hamster wheel, and pay attention to the things that actually bring you happiness.
2. Spend time finding authenticity
Do you know that one favorite song you keep coming back to?
The song that got you through breakups, shitty jobs, and the song that just gets you?
That’s authenticity.
It’s what makes you feel like you belong.
Or when you spend time with someone who you instantly click with and can spend hours talking to.
Now, let me ask you when was the last time you felt that way?
Does your daily life consist of basically doing things that you don’t fully believe in, but you do anyway because you have to?
Life can start to feel empty when you don’t experience those moments that tug at your heartstrings.
It can actually turn into a dark and gloomy world when you lose sight of what your purpose is.
So, start looking for authentic things that truly lift your spirits.
Where is it that you belong?
Some things that bring authenticity are:
- Friends and/or family
- Finding a new album
- A hobby
- Going back to your favorite place as a kid or anything else you can think of!
3. Practice Gratitude
It’s easier to be negative than it is to be grateful.
And to think “Once I get this, my life will be better”.
Chasing after materialistic things isn’t what will bring you happiness.
But, for some reason our society makes us believe that having a new car or a better job will get us closer to it.
Unfortunately, thinking this way will only leave you feeling confused and empty.
It’s why a lot of people have a mid-life crisis later on in life.
They spent 20 years working so hard for all of these “things”, but never took the time to understand what is real happiness.
The good news is you can start today practicing gratitude.
Look around at your life right now and think about all of the good you have in it.
I understand that life is not easy at times, and sometimes it’s very hard to see the good.
But, even if it’s just the bed you get to sleep in. Or your dog, or your best friend.
Write down all of the good things in your life, and think about these things daily.
Practicing gratitude is free and feeling good about what you have right now won’t make you feel like you have to go out and buy something to feel better.
4. Learn something new every day
Learning can improve your life because it teaches you more about life.
It gives you more confidence and challenges you to push your limits.
Learning something new also brings excitement to your day because you don’t know what to expect.
Some ways you can start learning more are:
- Practicing a new language
- Taking a class at a local community college
- Reading a non-fiction book about history
- Starting a new hobby like knitting or drawing
5. Change up your daily routine
Routines are good and bad for the same reason: they are mindless.
They don’t require much thought from your brain, so you can focus on other things while you do them.
Daily habits like waking up at the same time, brushing your teeth, or working out are great, and I would suggest keeping up with those to help improve your health.
But, things like your commute to work can change.
If your whole life has turned into one big routine, you might find it hard to find excitement in the day.
Instead, Google a different route you could take to work. Or, do you live close enough that you could ride your bike?
You have the most control over your day during the hours you’re at home.
Think about how you can change up those times.
Maybe you don’t have to spend an hour cooking every night.
You could get takeout and spend that time working on a new hobby.
Also, changing up your morning and evening routine can be enough to improve your life.
Whenever you find that your days are all becoming too similar, try changing up your routine.
6. Work on getting enough sleep every night
I get it, sleep is usually what goes out the window when you run out of time during the day.
Our lives are crazy busy at times, and it just makes sense to miss out on some sleep here and there.
But, sleep is so important for your health and quality of life.
Not sleeping enough can cause:
- Moodiness
- Depression
- Inability to focus
- Overeating
All of these things can ruin your mood.
If you aren’t getting at least 7 hours of sleep a night, try to work on making this a priority.
It can and will definitely improve your daily mood, which will help improve your overall life!
7. De-Clutter
Look around your home, and find the things that you haven’t touched in the last 2 years.
Clutter can impact your happiness, because it feels like you’re life is a mess.
Work on getting rid of the things that don’t provide much value in your life anymore.
That might be cleaning out your closet, or distancing yourself from toxic people.
Evaluate where your life is at right now, and think about the things you could get rid of that would help improve your life.
8. Practice being more kind
Kindness goes a looong way. For other people, as well as for you.
Helping others can actually make you feel much better about yourself.
Our world is turning into a place where looking at your phone while you walk is more acceptable than looking someone in the eye and smiling at them.
We are becoming anti-social, which is making it difficult to put more good out into the world.
I get that we all have places to be and limited time.
But, that isn’t really an excuse to be rude to other people.
Being kind isn’t a sign of weakness, and if you can practice it every day, you will feel like a much nicer person.
9. Put yourself first
If you do relate to feeling stuck on a hamster wheel, then you aren’t putting yourself first enough.
It’s not a selfish thing to do, so get that thought out of your head!
Putting yourself first is actually one of the best ways you can be there for other people.
Once your cup is full, then you will have the patience and tolerance to be around people who need you most.
If you don’t, then you’re cup will be sucked dry and you’ll feel irritated and impatient with everyone.
This is also a great way to improve your life.
Listening to your body and doing the things you love will make your days a lot more exciting.
It will also give you much more control over how you truly want to live your life.
10. Let go of your excuses
Do you want to try new things, but think of every excuse in the book not to do it?
Coming up with excuses is very easy to do.
And once you get used to making excuses, there won’t be enough reasons to try out something new.
So, start by letting go of all the excuses that are holding you back.
If you want to try something new, like start a business, travel, or buy a house, take all of the excuses out of it.
Come up with a realistic way to make it happen for yourself.
If it’s what you truly want with your heart and soul there should be NO reason why it can’t happen for you.
Even if it feels like the craziest idea in the world, get rid of the thoughts that trick you into believing it will never happen.
Everything is worth trying out, even if it doesn’t end up being what you wanted.
It’s much better to test the waters than to never try in the first place. So just do it!


by The Lovely Refinement Team | Mar 17, 2019 | Dealing With Emotions, Finding Motivation, Happiness Tips, Self-Confidence, Self-Esteem & Self-Love, Self-Improvement
Having a Hobby When You’re Feeling Anxious Can Do Wonders For Your Mental Health – With Benefits Experienced Almost Instantly…
Ready for a full list of hobbies that reduce anxiety and make you feel better?
If you were to believe everything social media and Main Stream Media told you – becoming ‘distracted’ is something that should be frowned upon.
The truth is there are two types of distraction. There are those that are unhealthy for our minds. And then those that can reduce and even eliminate that shaky feeling of uncertainty and fear.
One super-effective way I have found to reduce my anxiety is by engaging in a wide range of hobbies.
Think about it this way…
We’re often told we should exercise our bodies – you know, in a physical way. But we don’t hear anywhere near as much about exercising our minds.
And when we engage in hobbies – both physically and mentally, we can create the perfect conditions to reduce our anxiety.
And the best part? This can all be done with very little effort. It’s a win-win.
Hobbies that reduce our anxiety can help us feel more connected, increase our ‘fun-factor’, and improve our mental health both in the short AND long term.
Make sure you try at least one of these things the next time you’re feeling really anxious. I promise they can help bring you to a much calmer state of mind – sometimes in a mere matter of minutes.
13+ Hobbies That Will Reduce Anxiety and Make You Feel Better
When you struggle with anxiety you want as many helpful tools in your toolbox as you can get. This is why I put together this list of hobbies to try that reduce anxiety and make you feel better!
1. Practicing Mindfulness
Becoming more mindful allows you to feel less anxious and more in control of your surroundings. Mindfulness helps reduce intrusive thoughts and overwhelming negative feelings towards your life.
This is something I personally love to do.
Every day I set aside just 5 minutes to practice being mindful and have done this for the last year. My anxiety and depression have reduced tremendously and I actually feel way more in control of the thoughts I have.
I always recommend it to anyone who’s really struggling with anxiety. For some tips on this, download my free Mindfulness Activities book.

2. Hanging Out With Animals
I have 6 geckos, 2 cats and 2 dogs. Needless to say, I find being around animals helps my anxiety a lot. If you don’t have your own animals, you can volunteer at your nearest animal shelter.
Or go to a reptile sanctuary and examine all the exotic animals. Animals are fun because they love to cuddle and don’t talk back.
Who knows, maybe it’s time for you to adopt a new furry creature into your life. It could benefit your mental health in ways you don’t even know.
3. Meditation
The idea of meditation sounds nice but it’s kinda hard to get into. Setting aside time daily to do it ends up being a chore.
But, if you want to give it a shot then set an alarm on your phone. Use one of these many popular meditation apps:
As you can tell meditation just starts with 5 minutes a day. Taking that time to be more present in your mind will help you instantly feel better.
I actually look forward to my daily meditation sessions now because they allow me to take a break from all the craziness and be at peace. Which leaves long-lasting effects on my mental wellbeing.
4. Taking a hike
Another benefit to owning a dog is having a companion to go on hikes with.
Being out in nature gives you many mindset benefits. We need exposure to the sun on a daily basis. And nature provides a calming effect that helps center you.
The next time you’re feeling anxious look up a nearby hiking spot. Take some time for yourself and be in nature for the afternoon. Guaranteed you’ll feel much better!
5. Writing in a Journal
If you aren’t ready for meditation yet, journaling is a great alternative. Take a step back from your busy life, cozy up on your couch with a journal, and let all your thoughts out.
This is a great form of self-care and a natural remedy for anxiety. If you can get in the habit of getting your thoughts out on paper, your mind will quiet down.
Expressing your thoughts in any form shines a light on your personal struggles. When there is light, there is very little room for negativity to survive.
That’s why writing can be so helpful in the healing process.

6. Blogging
Having a creative outlet like a blog can be a wonderful hobby to reduce anxiety. But it can also be a very lucrative career.
Chelsea from HerPaperRoute earns over $20,000 per month as a blogger and work-from-home mom, and she teaches others how to start money-making blogs via her online blog school.
The awesome thing is you can start a blog about anything that interests you, and then monetize it with any product and brand partnerships that you love. Chelsea teaches clever marketing strategies and simplifies the tech stuff, so you can confidently grow your blog into a career even as a total newbie.
Go and take her free blogging class for beginners to learn how to start your own blog in 10 minutes, and then enroll in Be Your Own Blog Boss to learn how to develop it into a stone-cold business.
7. People Watching
Whether you have social anxiety or not, people watching can be a very fun hobby. Think of a busy place, like a mall park, or library, where you can discretely people-watch.
It’s peaceful to see how other people go about living their lives. There is a lot of relatability in people-watching. As long as you remove any judgment you have of other people.
And if you do struggle with social anxiety, this helps you see how other people are just like you. Everyone else cares about what others think of them and they make mistakes, too.
People-watching can be a humbling experience and can help relieve anxiety.
8. Gardening
Imagine going to the Home Depot gardening center on a nice, spring afternoon. Picking out your favorite types of flowers and the sweet smell of grass and soil all around you.
Even if you don’t buy anything, hanging out in the gardening center can help with your anxiety.
But, no matter where you live, you can create your own little garden if you like. That might mean starting with one or two succulents that are easy to maintain.
9. Doing a Puzzle
Puzzles and board games are a great and healthy distraction from anxiety. They help you focus on other things for a couple of hours.
And in a way, they can be so freaking peaceful. Cozy even.
And the cool thing about puzzles is you can start and stop them at any time. They can take as much time as you want them to.
See the top-rated puzzles on Amazon.
10. Yoga
Anyone can get into yoga and it’s actually much better for you than a lot of exercises.
You can reap the benefits of a healthy body by doing yoga a few times a week. Not only will your mind be less anxious, but your body will also become stronger over time.
Here a few yoga exercises you can do in your own living room.

11. Acting Like a Kid Again
Sometimes you just gotta let go of the serious adult and let your inner child play.
Do things you loved to do as a kid. If you have kids or nieces/nephews, make a playdate to go to Jumpstreet. Or go play some laser tag. Even a bike ride around the block will increase your fun levels.
Make sure you are allowing enough fun into your life. This is something we tend to forget when we’re so engulfed in being adults.
And sometimes acting like a kid can be exactly what you need to relieve anxiety.
12. DIYing Your Own Sugar Scrubs
You can get essential oils on Amazon or at your nearest Whole Foods.
Find your favorite ones that help relax you and create some DIY sugar scrubs.
This can make you feel like a kid and aromatherapy will naturally reduce your anxious thoughts.

13. Creating Music Playlists or Listening To A Podcast
Most people have Spotify or Apple Music nowadays (and if you don’t, I highly recommend Spotify). Put your membership to good use and spend an afternoon creating a playlist of all your favorite songs.
The ones you loved as a kid. The ones you listened to during a break-up or tough time in your life. Put all of your feel-good songs into one playlist so you can listen to them whenever you need to.
Or, put on one of these inspirational mental health Podcasts.
14. Knitting
There are a lot of places that offer free knitting classes, like your local Recreation Center.
And there are also plenty of online tutorials that will teach you how to knit.
If that has been something you’ve wanted to try, now is the perfect time to do it! Use this as a doctor’s note for your anxiety. This is your excuse to learn how to knit and you’ll reap the rewards of a calmer mind.
Related: Knitting Basics: Getting Started
13+ Hobbies That Reduce Anxiety And Make You Feel Better – Conclusion
At the moment when you have anxiety, it doesn’t seem like anything will help. But, taking action and just doing one of these hobbies will help.
They might not completely rid you of anxiety but they will help distract you and make you feel better.
This is so helpful, especially if you don’t have immediate access to a close friend or therapist to talk to. You can even chat or text with an online therapist at any time right here.
Hobbies are a great way to self-soothe your anxiety and make you feel a whole lot better.
by The Lovely Refinement Team | Mar 8, 2019 | Dealing With Emotions, Finding Motivation, Self-Confidence, Self-Esteem & Self-Love, Self-Improvement
When it comes to improving your mental health taking care of your mind and body go hand in hand.
You can’t neglect one and expect the other to thrive. That’s why exercising is so important to improve mental health.
It takes care of your body, which is something we often overlook when trying to reduce anxiety and depression.
We just want our minds to feel ok, not our bodies. And yet once you decide to take care of yourself as a whole, you will start to see a world of difference.
You feel in tune with yourself in multiple ways. And you’ll feel more confident about your life because you’ll feel more in control.
When you decide to put your mind and body first above anything else, you can then start to achieve the things you want out of life. Because we can’t get very far when our minds are in a negative spot, fighting our every move.
And in this post, I want to discuss 10 ways exercise can benefit you and how to get started.
1. Exercise reduces stress
Exercising is a great way to relieve stress because it takes that tension and uses it in a good way.
When you decide to go out on a run after a stressful day at work, it can help to let go of built-up feelings
Same with doing some yoga at home, this helps calm your mind down and quickly reduce stress.
2. Exercise helps with your memory
Research shows that exercise may increase the size of the hippocampus, which is a part of your brain that develops your learning and memory capabilities.
Because of this, it allows you to remember things better, focus more, and helps your brain cells continue to grow.
3. Exercise helps you cope in a healthy way
When we are anxious or depressed it’s very easy to turn to unhealthy coping like drinking alcohol.
Deciding to go out and exercise instead is a way to actively face what is bothering you.
Which is a very healthy way to cope. When you exercise, you use that anxious energy and turn it into a way to positively get it out of your body. And when exercise turns into a habit for when you’re stressed out, you develop the skills to cope in a very healthy way
4. Exercise gives you more energy
Even though the idea of working out today may make you want to hide under the covers, once you actually get out and do it you’ll have so much more energy.
It’s not easy getting started but try a workout for at least 20 minutes and see how you feel afterwards.
Initially, your body will feel tired because it’s getting warmed up. After a few minutes though your body will adjust, and you’ll start to feel your body getting energized from the movement.
Allowing you to have more energy throughout the day and feel more motivated.
5. Exercise improves your self-confidence
Not only do you feel good internally, but you start to feel good externally when you exercise.
As your body gets stronger and builds endurance, you become more confident in your abilities.
And you feel like you look better as well, which is true!
Exercise gives you this feeling that you matter because you want to take care of your body.
Which quickly increases your self-worth and confidence.
6. Exercise helps you get more stuff done
As mentioned before, exercise gives you more energy. And when you have more energy you naturally get more stuff done.
After a good workout at the gym or at your home, you’ll get a boost of energy that you’ll want to use toward other things.
Like getting a specific project done, cleaning up the house, or doing your favorite hobby.
7. When your body is happy, your mind is happy
You most likely know all the benefits exercise has on your body.
Like a stronger heart, stronger bones, healthier body weight, healthy lungs, etc
And when you start improving your body’s capabilities, your mind follows.
You feel better and have more energy, which helps reduce anxiety and depression.
As we get older, we have to pay more attention to taking care of our bodies or else it causes even more stress.
Exercise is a great way to ensure you’re taking proper care of yourself.
8. Exercise relaxes your overthinking mind
The cool part about exercise is it gives you energy for a few hours afterward, then your body winds down.
It gets tired, which is so good for people who struggle to fall asleep at night.
When I’m anxious, my mind goes in circles. Making it really difficult to get a normal night’s rest.
But, working out makes me too tired to overthink too much.
When I exercise, my sleep improves drastically. And it can do the same to you.
9. Exercise quickly improves your mood
When we feel anxious or stressed, sometimes we keep it boiling up inside. Which wreaks havoc on your body and mind.
Exercising allows you to get rid of all that negative energy and focus it on something actionable.
Which quickly relieves those bad thoughts and feelings.
Leaving you in a much better mood after you exercise. And you only have to do it for 30 minutes to see quick results.
10. Exercise builds resilience
As you exercise you push yourself to your limits.
Each rep you do when you’re lifting weights or each extra mile you run on the treadmill.
This is building resilience in your mind.
And you need that for your mental health. Your mind needs to be strong to fight off the negative thoughts.
Exercise helps train your mind to do that. When you run that extra mile, you know you can do it.
You teach your brain that you can make it through the painful moments because you’re strong enough.
What exercise is best for me?
So now that you know the benefits of exercise you might be wondering what type of exercise is best for you.
Everyone’s different so there’s no one size fits all.
Think about the type of exercise you hate doing. Maybe you hate to run or swim.
Don’t force yourself to do the stuff you hate just because you’ve heard it’s a good workout.
There are a lot of different ways to exercise. So if you’d prefer not to do intense cardio, opt for watching a yoga YouTube video at home.
Or if you want to build strength, look into a free 6-week training guide.
If you want some ideas on exercises, I always recommend the Nike Training App.
It’s completely free to use and has a lot of different workouts to choose from based on your personal preference.
How much exercise should I do?
The standard recommended amount of exercise is 30 minutes 5 times per week of moderate-intense activity.
Or vigorous activity for 25 minutes 3 days a week.
If you are struggling with your mental health though, I suggest taking it slow.
Start by exercising for 5 minutes a day for a week. Just so you get into the habit of setting aside time to work out.
Then work up from there. Each week increase your time by 5 minutes.
How do I get started when I feel unmotivated?
I think it’s important to set goals for yourself
Not just in how you want to look, but also in how you want to feel.
What do you want to get out of exercising? Do you want to reduce anxiety? Do you want to get yourself out of a rut?
Write down your main goals for exercising, and then find things that inspire you.
That could be fitness quotes on Pinterest or creating a fun playlist on Spotify.
Inspire yourself so that on the day you start working out, you want to do it.
Visualize where you want to be.
It all starts with your own mindset and changing that to start making improvements.
Set aside time daily to exercise (it helps if it’s consistently at the same time) and make it a priority.
You can even find an accountability partner who you can tell your goals.
They can help you reach those goals by pushing you when you don’t feel like pushing yourself.
Exercise is one of many great ways to improve your mental health.
Just make sure you’re doing it for the right reasons- to feel better.
Sometimes we use exercise as a way to torture ourselves and our bodies even more.
We deprive ourselves because we don’t love ourselves enough. And when you start to exercise, you have to view it in a way that is beneficial to your mental health.