Let’s talk about how to keep living your life when you have depression. Normally I write about anxiety on the blog, but today I want to dive a little bit deeper into depression.
Ah, depression. The thing so many people have and yet nobody wants to talk about.
It’s like some sort of voodoo. Where we all feel like something is wrong with us if we do have it and none of us want to admit we might have it.
I’m just going to lay it out there: depression sucks, but it’s not the worst thing in the world to have it.
How to Keep Living Your Life When You Have Depression
It doesn’t mean anything is wrong with you if you struggle with it. Having depression just makes you human, seriously. There are many people out there who have depression and are able to live amazing lives.
This is so you know there’s no reason to feel ashamed if you do struggle with it.
I personally have learned that through a lot of trial and error. Depression wiggled its way into my life a few years ago and has stayed a very active visitor ever since.
Some days it’s not so bad and I actually feel pretty good. But when depression hits, it hits hard.
Last week a family member passed away, and I honestly didn’t know if I could go back to work and continue on with my life.
When depression hits it can honestly just make you believe that your life doesn’t matter, the people around you don’t matter, and that nobody would care if you ceased to exist.
Your mind goes against you. Any positive thoughts you have just go out the window and you’re just left there with the evil inner critic that is working its hardest to break you down.
During the days when my mental state is good, I work hard at remembering what that feels like. Because when I get depressed, I tend to forget.
I wanted to write this post for anyone out there who is struggling or has struggled with depression.
Below are a few ways you can work on it. I still deal with it, but I get through it. And every time I make it through to the other side, I am so grateful.
If you can, try to think of your depression as a head cold. It will knock you on your ass sometimes and you will be mentally too weak to fight it.
But it will pass, and you have to work on believing. And there are many ways to manage your depression to prevent it from getting unbearable.
I wish that it wasn’t as powerful as it was. It’s as though you’re in a Marvel movie where the bad guy has taken over your mind.
Sorry for all of the analogies… hopefully, you get my point.
How to keep living your life when you have depression
Before we dig into my advice on how to keep living your life when you have depression, I want to let you know that I offer a free mental health support group, and every member gets a free mental wellness kit. Join here.
1. Be open to talking to someone about it
I get that talking about depression is not easy. Especially when you know you’ll be ok, just not right now. And you don’t want other people thinking something is seriously wrong.
Depression should be taken seriously, but it doesn’t mean people will instantly judge you for the thoughts you have.
There are resources out there for your mental health. You should speak to professionals who know what you’re going through, and they will know how to make it better.
Please don’t give up on the hope that nobody understands what you’re going through. It’s actually quite the opposite. Most people get it, it’s just difficult communicating it sometimes.
Finding the right people to talk to can quickly make you feel better.
2. Listen to what your mind is telling you
Obviously, if you’re depressed then you will be listening to those awful thoughts that are making you feel worse.
But, try to dig a little deeper and figure out what your brain is actually telling you.
We all have insecurities and automatic thoughts we jump to when we aren’t feeling our best.
Thoughts like “I’m not good enough.” “I don’t know what the point of life is.” “Nobody cares about me” etc.
However, these thoughts are a cover-up of what you’re actually feeling.
What situations in your life have occurred recently that are making you feel this way? Did you get laid off? Did you recently end a relationship? Are you stuck in a job you hate and are wondering if this is all there is?
Start questioning what is causing your automatic negative thoughts. Work on digging deeper.
Automatic negative thoughts are there to actually prevent you from thinking more about what is bothering you. I
It’s easier to just say “I’m not good at anything.” than to think, “How can I improve from this situation? Is there anything I could have done differently?”
Work on stopping the self-sabotage and listening to your thoughts.
3. Change your environment
Sometimes the environment we are living or working in can be the underlying cause of depression.
If your job doesn’t make you feel your best, it might be time to evaluate if it is serving you enough.
And if your home life is less than ideal you may need to shine a light on what is causing you to feel so bad and work on fixing it.
I used to be in a toxic relationship that made me so depressed most days. I lived with the guy and never felt all that good.
It wasn’t until I had to force myself out of the situation that I started to feel much better.
You deserve to feel good about your life and if your environment is negatively affecting your mental health then your depression could be a sign telling you it’s time for a positive change.
4. Keep doing the little things, even if you really don’t want to
Last week my boss asked me if I could be back at work. That pressure immediately turned me off from ever wanting to go back.
I shut down and avoided his calls. I just was not ready to face work again and deal with responsibilities.
Not going to work made sense for last week but avoiding it for the rest of my life wasn’t possible. This week, I forced myself to go back and honestly felt a lot better mentally.
When you have depression, you won’t think anything will help. Going to the gym, watching a movie, talking to friends… all of these things seem pointless.
But, to avoid falling into a deep depression, you have to force yourself to keep doing those little things.
It’s okay to take a break from certain responsibilities if you aren’t feeling your best. Self-care comes first.
But, shutting down and avoiding everything will only make you feel worse. (I’m saying this from experience!).
When you want to retreat back to home and avoid your usual routine, instead try to do one or two things you would normally do.
Maybe that’s walking your dog around the block or calling your best friend. Keep up with those little things, because those little things could literally save your life.
5. Make a commitment to working at it every day
Taking care of your mental health should be your number one priority.
It honestly should be everyone’s first priority. Once your mental health is taken care of, you can literally conquer the world.
If you want to start making it one of your main priorities then make it a daily commitment.
Create a daily routine based on improving your mental health.
Some ways you can do that are:
Set aside 5 minutes a day to write in your journal about how you’re feeling
It’s so easy to lose track of the things we enjoy in life. When we have to work most hours of the week and give ourselves over to other responsibilities.
But, adding in more things you love to do will help fight against your depression.
Partly because it will give you a reason to feel excited about things again.
Music has always been a huge part of what kept me going in life. Life got in the way and I stopped trying to make playlists and seek out the music that made me feel so much better.
I made it a point to create a playlist this week with all of my favorite songs and I felt so much more in tune with myself and the world.
That’s because I could really relate to what they were singing about, and I didn’t feel so alone in my thoughts.
Do more of what you love, and if you can’t remember what that is work on finding it again.
7. Rid yourself of the bullshit
Last but not least, ignore the bullshit. There is no right or wrong way to heal from depression.
Some days will be harder than others. But, that doesn’t you are destined to feel this way forever.
Being depressed does not mean anything is wrong with you. You aren’t crazy, and you’re not alone.
If you try to talk to someone and they don’t understand what you’re going through, that just means they haven’t experienced it before.
It doesn’t mean you’re wrong to feel the way you do.
What sucks is when you try to talk to someone about it and they make you feel worse about it.
If this happens to you, please try to think that the person you’re talking to you just doesn’t get it. They aren’t the right person to talk to, and that’s okay.
There are people out there who understand. I understand. And I’ve been in that spot before where I felt like I had to change for others to accept me.
I kept telling myself I had to stop being so negative all the time and just snap out of it.
Yeah… you can’t just snap out of depression. People who are forcing you to snap out of depression will only make you more depressed.
Own up to how you’re feeling and tell yourself you deserve to feel better again. Don’t be ashamed of how you feel.
Embrace it and take care of yourself. Go easy on the days when you don’t feel your best.
You don’t have to feel ok all the time. Some days are just going to suck. But that doesn’t mean your whole life sucks.
I hope this list of ideas for how to keep living your life when you have depression helped you in some way… and if you’d like to talk to a professional about it then here are some resources for you:
Oh my goodness – it’s my first blog income report! In October of 2019, I finally monetized my blog. I still have a long way to go, but in just 2 months, I have made $2,007 which to me is awesome!
Today I am sharing my first blog income report to show you everything I have done so far, which has helped me make my first $2k with LovelyRefinement.com.
Before, this blog was not making any money, or ranking for any good keywords. I changed that, implementing the strategies in this blogging course. It covers exactly how to make a blog rank, convert subscribers, and make sales.
It is actually 6 courses rolled into a bundle, covering blogging, SEO, Pinterest marketing, email marketing, blog monetization, affiliate marketing, creating your own products, and more.
How I Made $2,000 Blogging – My First Blog Income Report
In October I began my test to see if I could monetize LovelyRefinement and turn a profit.
Here’s what I did to earn $2000 blogging in the mental wellness niche with a small niche lifestyle blog. Plus, what I am continuing to do to grow it.
Here’s how I made my first $2,000 blogging in less than 3 months.
1. I launched My Own Course & Digital Products Store
This is really exciting for me. In October I launched the LovelyRefinement shop, created a course, and a couple of ebooks, and put them up for sale.
It has been bringing in sales already, and I got a product into the Ultimate Productivity Bundle which is incredible!
My course is a mental wellness program that helps women overcome anxiety and self-doubt, to step into their abilities with confidence. Learn more about it here!
2. I Monetized My Blog With Affiliate Marketing
In addition to offering my own products for sale, I am now also promoting affiliate products, where I earn a commission.
Affiliate marketing is something that I always just assumed was really difficult to do, but I was wrong. It’s not difficult!
If you aren’t making good money from your blog yet, I would recommend that you take a blogging course that teaches all sorts of different monetization strategies.
Be Your Own Blog Boss by HerPaperRoute is the 6-course bundle that covers everything.
It’s taught in a fun way that even a complete newbie can make sense of affiliate marketing.
You can get $50 off with code LOVELY50 for a limited time.
3. I Am Creating New Pins Daily
Adding fresh pins to Pinterest each day is something that is a bit tedious, but it REALLY helps to bring in new visitors to my blog.
And it’s completely free advertising, so worth the effort I think.
I am making new pins for old blog posts a few times a week right now, and I intend to make it a daily thing, now that the Holidays are over and I have more time.
I have over 1.7 million monthly page views on Pinterest now too. Tailwind is really great for boosting Pinterest traffic – fyi!
But I know that I shouldn’t depend on one source of traffic. I need to diversify my traffic and focus on Google Organic specifically.
And that means improving my on-page SEO of old articles. As well as working on off-page SEO to get more backlinks.
Many of my old blog posts had no focus keywords, no meta descriptions, and no real thought about using them to rank for search terms.
So, I am currently editing all of my old blog posts and:
cleaning them up
doing keyword research for each
writing meta descriptions
and improving them with good SEO practices in mind.
SEO is something that takes a while to see results from, but when done right, it will make a big difference in organic traffic.
5. I Am Focusing On Connecting With My Audience
Something that is really important to me is the relationship that I have with you, my reader.
I discuss a lot of sensitive topics here on the blog such as anxiety, depression, and mental wellness – and that brings people from all walks of life.
Some of my loyal readers struggle with depression and tell me that they come here to LovelyRefinement because the articles offer them a supportive and uplifting space when they are facing their darkest days.
It means a lot to me that my writing is being received this way, and that it can offer some support when you need it most.
So with this in mind, I have expanded my personalized resources. Including a private membership where members can get additional resources from me (all for free!) which also includes access to a private Facebook support group.
As well, I am sending a weekly motivational email to all members to further grow our relationship – which I love!
My First Blog Income Report – Conclusion
I feel like I have reached a big milestone in LovelyRefinement’s blogging journey, now that my first blog income report has happened!
As things progress, I will add more income reports in the future. Blogging really is the best, and it offers so many possibilities for making money.
Hopefully, you found this blog income report helpful, and you are inspired to start your own blog today.
If you want to start your own blog, enroll in HerPaperRoute’s free blogging course.
And when you are ready to monetize your blog, enroll in Be Your Own Blog Boss. Remember to use code LOVELY50 at checkout to save $50.
If you have a string of bad events occurring in your life, it becomes difficult to work on fighting through them.
Especially when you’re losing your strength each time you get knocked on your ass.
The truth is that a lot of people who are going through difficult moments in their life don’t actively work on pushing through them.
They just find temporary coping mechanisms to help them through, even if they aren’t the healthiest. But there are positive things that can come from hard times.
How the Bad Times in Your Life Actually Make You Stronger
When life gets hard, it’s easier to just avoid what’s happening right in front of you. Ignoring it until it goes away.
You can build up your own internal strength by showing up during the roughest moments in your life.
Sometimes this feels scary and it will always be uncomfortable. And you may question why you decide to put yourself through the pain, instead of covering it up with something easier.
Trying to avoid pain in life just isn’t possible. Eventually, it will catch up with you, just like it does with everyone else.
Begin to Trust Yourself More
When things don’t go as planned you may look to your closest friends for a shoulder to cry on.
This can be a great way to let go of some of the frustration, but it isn’t helpful if you always rely on other people to pull you out.
When you start to become the victim of your life, you lose the strength to keep fighting.
At some point, you have to believe in yourself enough to trust that you can make it through this bad situation.
How do you do that? Well, it just starts with being alone with yourself more and seeing what you’re capable of.
Instead of calling up a friend every time, take a drive by yourself.
Go on a walk with your dog and listen to some music. Get some distance from everything building up in your head.
You can even try practicing meditation or yoga to calm your mood.
When you learn to trust yourself, you build confidence. And when you’re confident enough with who you are, you know you can make it through to the other side.
You may not feel like you’re good enough or worthy enough of being happy.
You have to work on breaking that thought process and putting up a fight for yourself when your life gets hard.
Friends and family are a great support system and important to have. But believing in yourself ensures you can survive anything on your own if needed.
Develop a Strong Support System
After you learn to trust yourself more, having a strong support system is essential to building enough strength during the most difficult times in your life.
We can’t always rely on other people to solve our problems so that’s why I encourage you to get more in tune with yourself, first.
Once you get more in tune with yourself and build up enough internal strength, you then learn when you do need to reach out for support. We can all use a helping hand during difficult times.
A strong support system consists of the best people you want to have in your corner. The ones who don’t judge what you’re going through.
They listen and sympathize with you. Sometimes they might give you a much-needed kick in the butt.
Other times they are the ones who you can laugh with when life just gets way too serious. This can be a large mix of people or just a small few.
If you find you are surrounded by a lot of negative people who just believe the world is out to get them (especially during difficult moments), then it’s probably time to try and find some new people to be around.
Find people who lift you up, and who you can lift up as well. The ones who put in as much effort as they receive are the ones you want on your side.
Build Up Your Mental Strength
Your brain is a muscle and it is possible to build its strength.
If you struggle with anxiety or depression, building up your mental strength can go a long way.
You learn how to become more resilient in the face of stress and overwhelm.
You also learn how to control your thoughts better, and what you allow to have an effect on your life.
Building up your mental strength takes consistent work. Just like working out any other muscle in your body.
You want to spend time on it daily to see improvement. And you might think it’s not possible at first.
Our brains are tricky in the way that you can’t physically see any improvement—it’s all in your head. So, you can convince yourself it doesn’t work before you even try.
Some of the best ways to build up your mental strength include:
These are just some examples of what mental strength looks like. You can learn how to do this by working on it daily.
The more you build up your mental strength, the more resilient you will become to life’s toughest moments.
There are so many people out there who have faced tremendous amounts of tragedy and grief and who suffer from anxiety. These people also have come out on the other side and are some of the strongest people you will ever meet.
Because they know what they can and can’t control. And they have worked hard at building up strength mentally to endure whatever life throws at them.
Stop Relying on Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms
While I will admit that I do enjoy a large glass of wine after a crazy stressful week, I don’t rely on it every time something goes wrong.
When we start to rely on the things that help numb us to the pain, we lose our strength to keep fighting the battle.
And I don’t have to tell you that they are just a temporary fix that will only make you feel worse later.
Stop trying to fix your problems with these things.
If you do something every once in a while, to just take a break and want to enjoy yourself, then do it.
It’s if you do need it daily or most days out of the week in order to push through.
You don’t actually need these things, it’s just your brain thinking you do.
Letting go of unhealthy coping mechanisms can quickly build up your strength.
Just letting go of the reliance alone will make you feel better about yourself. You’ll also start to believe that you are strong enough to make it through without those things.
Moving Forward
I understand that there are certain moments in life that are crazy hard to get through.
Losing someone close to you or something that played a huge part in your life is never easy.
If you really do feel like you’re struggling and aren’t sure where to look next, I highly suggest reaching out to a professional.
Today I want to share my favorite books about mental health with you. These books have really helped me when I have gone through hard times.
Reading is one of the best things you can do for your mental health.
This is because of either increasing your knowledge about mental health and being more comfortable with the topic or finding someone you really relate to that makes you feel less alone.
These are the best books to read when depressed. And remember that you are not alone. You can chat with these therapists online for free at any time.
13 of the Best Books About Mental Health
I think that no matter what you’re currently going through, there’s a book for that. And everyone has their personal preference as to which books are best for them.
That’s why I put together this reading list based on the different levels you may be at.
Whether you struggle with anxiety, depression, self-love, being more mindful, or just need simple reminders that you’re doing just fine, this booklist of the best books about mental health is for you.
Some of them teach you how to journal and meditate, others are fictional, but all of them provide inspiring and helpful ways you can start improving your mental health.
I will also update this list as time goes on, and feel free to let me know what other books you enjoy reading!
Radical Self Love by Gala Darling
If you are at a point where you don’t believe in yourself and aren’t sure what your purpose is, Radical Self Love walks you through this.
Gala Darling talks about her previous experience with an eating disorder and struggling to fully accept herself.
Now, she has written a book and travels all around the world teaching other women how to love themselves! She’s learned the best, most practical ways to focus on self-love so you can begin to live your best life.
Let it Out by Katie Dalebout
If you’re interested in learning how to journal your way to self-discovery, Let it Out by Katie Dalebout will teach you how to do that.
Discovering in her darkest hours that a journal is the greatest tool in finding your purpose, healing yourself, and creating the life you most desire, Katie has assembled the remarkable tools and insights that will elevate your life and get you “unstuck”—for good.
Rising Strong
I am definitely biased towards Brene Brown – especially Rising Strong – because it was what gave me hope during a moment of desperation in my life.
I felt alone and scared and didn’t think anyone knew what I was going through. This book does and it just validates all of the crap that’s going on in your head.
Brene Brown talks about getting into the arena and getting your ass kicked, and she’s right alongside you the whole time.
This is what one of the reviewers on Amazon had to say about it, which is 100% true about this book:
“Reading through Rising Strong gave me valuable techniques to draw on as I work through those experiences. It’s helped me work through some tough emotions and behavior patterns and provided me a way forward. I’d highly recommend this book to anyone dealing with some life-changing struggles, who needs some guidance on how to move forward, but also to anyone who wants to improve how they work through difficult situations.”
Just Listen by Sarah Dessen
Just Listen is a fictional book by author Sarah Dessen. It’s a coming-of-age story that talks about a lot of relatable topics, like eating disorders and dealing with perfection.
One of the readers on Amazon says, “It deals with issues most people wish to ignore as too intense or unpleasant and I learned a lot from it. I found this novel a surprisingly enjoyable and rewarding read”
Give this one a read the next time you want to dive into the fictional world with a relatable feel.
Anxiety & Phobia Workbook
This workbook is absolutely full of worksheets and chapters on overcoming anxiety.
I always recommend this to anyone who struggles with anxiety, because it goes over everything that causes anxiety.
It teaches you how to practically overcome it and how to identify your own triggers.
The Anxiety & Phobia Workbook is one of the most popular workbooks in mental health and many therapists recommend this to their patients.
The Grass Is Green Enough
The Grass Is Green Enough is a guided journal that walks you through complete acceptance. How often do you think “If only I had this, I’d be happy”?
We as humans will always believe the grass is greener on the other side. But, no matter where you’re at in life you can learn to enjoy what you already have.
With inspiring quotes and affirmations, this guided journal walks you towards positivity and happiness in your own life.
Life Inside My Mind
Your favorite YA authors including Ellen Hopkins, Maureen Johnson, and more recount their own experiences with mental illness in Life Inside My Mind, a raw, real, and powerful collection of essays that explores everything from ADD to PTSD.
Have you ever felt like you just couldn’t get out of bed? Not the occasional morning, but every day? Do you find yourself listening to a voice in your head that says “You’re not good enough,” “not good looking enough,” “not thin enough,” or “not smart enough”?
Have you ever found yourself unable to do homework or pay attention in class unless everything is “just so” on your desk? Everyone has had days like that, but what if you have them every day?
You’re not alone. Millions of people are going through similar things. However, issues around mental health still tend to be treated as something shrouded in shame or discussed in whispers.
It’s easier to have a broken bone–something tangible that can be “fixed”–than to have a mental illness, and easier to have a discussion about sex than it is to have one about mental health. Learn more about Life Inside My Mind here.
Nutrition Essentials for Mental Health
What you put into your body impacts your mental health.
From too much coffee or sugar to eating foods high in sodium. These can all contribute to feelings of anxiety and/or depression.
Learn how what you eat can improve your mood you can begin to feel better in your everyday life.
Adventures for Your Soul
This book teaches you how to break out of old habits that aren’t serving you anymore.
Drawing from her own transformational experiences, Shannon Kaiser’s program utilizes an empowering process that encourages you to go on adventures for your soul so you can:
• Achieve your goals
• Remove limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging patterns
• Feel freedom from fear and live with purpose and passion
• Be unapologetic about your innermost desires
• And make happiness your natural way of life
If you’re ready to stop letting fear hold you back and to change your life, Make it Happen is a great book to read.
Lara Casey talks all about how to live on purpose and awaken yourself.
Make It Happen is for
women who find themselves worried, anxious, and completely overwhelmed by the constant chase for perfection
those seeking the courage to jump into a new venture
working women who are struggling to “do it all”
weary wives and moms looking for relief from burning the candle at both ends
anyone who dreams of a life lived not by accident but on purpose
Meditations To Heal Your Life
Meditating does wonders for your mental health. And best-selling author, Louise Hay provides a meditation for any situation you are currently going through.
This book is so helpful when it comes to quieting the voices in your head and reducing anxiety.
Kate Allan is the author of You Can Do All Things. I found her through her popular Instagram page dedicated to animal drawings that provide words of encouragement to anyone struggling with mental health.
I recommend following her on Instagram and picking up her new book filled with affirmations and mindfulness techniques to help with anxiety & depression.
I LOVE this book because it’s light-hearted and is a good reminder to not feel ashamed of what you’re going through.
The Bell Jar
Last but definitely not least, the Bell Jar! I know this isn’t the happiest book for me to recommend, but I do think it is a great one.
The Bell Jar is a beautiful book written by the late Sylvia Plath, who herself struggled with mental illness.
This book gives you a real look into the perspective of someone truly dealing with mental health issues and provides dark humor to anyone who can relate.
I only recommend this book to those who aren’t deeply struggling with depression. Sometimes books like these can feed into your depression, making it worse.
So only read this one if you feel ready to, where your world around you is stable and you feel good about how things are going.
Read these books about mental health above if you are going through a difficult time, and save the Bell Jar for a lighter period in your life.
Guess what topped our self-care gift guide this year? Some pretty awesome, thoughtful gift ideas, that’s what!
Whether you are shopping for yourself or someone else, self-love is always a good starting point for anyone.
It’s 2019 going into 2020, and if you don’t emphasize self-love, you’re missing out on a lot of things. It’s the movement, it’s everywhere these days.
And if you personally know someone who deserves to be pampered, this is the perfect self-care gift guide for you to choose from.
Self-Care Gift Guide – The Most-Wanted Items Of 2020
Here, I have rounded up a list of amazing self-care gifts that will motivate you to treat yourself with love.
The best part about this is everything will be kept under $200!
1. Little Book of Mindfulness
If you know someone who loves reading books, give them this book as their self-care gift this year.
With 5-10 minutes of practice per day, you can be assured that whoever is receiving this book will be able to focus on letting go of their stressful thought.
Mindfulness is the new thing these days and finding hours to have that special me-time is very important.
This book is definitely one of the best in this self-care gift guide.
You can fill in the dates and you have fun prompts like “things I learned today” or “the moments that made me laugh today”.
Little things like that can really change your mood. Self-care is really one of the best things you can do for yourself.
5. Ceramic Ultrasonic Essential Oil Diffuser
For people who have sensitive noses and those who love the art of aromatherapy, get them this minimalist-looking Vitruvi Stone Diffuser.
It comes in four different color options but my personal favorites are the ones in black and terracotta colors.
Each of these high-quality oil diffusers is carefully handcrafted with ceramic and can contain up to 90ml capacity.
You can set the setting to 3 hours of continuous usage or 7 hours of interval settings.
The choice is yours. What makes this one of the best gifts in this self-care gift guide is the fact that it’s a BPA-free plastic water reservoir.
6. Premium Subscription to a Self-Care App
Have you ever heard of the Shine app? I love the free version and it makes daily self-care so easy to focus on.
If you get the free version of the Shine app, you will get a motivational message on a weekday basis.
But if you want, you can get your loved one the annual premium subscription as their self-care gift this year.
Premium access includes challenges to help you overcome insomnia, productivity problems, burnout, and more. On top of that, you get access to more than 500 meditations!
7. A Subscription To FabFitFun
There is just something extra special about getting a giant box of surprise self-care items on your doorstep every season. That excitement is exactly what FabFitFun delivers.
Four times a year, they send a beautiful box packed to the brim with the best beauty, lifestyle, home, and tech items for women.
Everyone is loving The Business Boutique Goal Planner 2020: Your Personal Guide to Getting Results. I have it, I love it, and think it is the best planner ever created.
Yes, it has all the calendars, reminders, and scheduling space you could ever need, but it also offers so much more!
It actually includes a full year of goal-crushing tips and coaching. It’s a big book. packed with a ton of useful content.