by The Lovely Refinement Team | Sep 1, 2019 | Dealing With Emotions, Finding Motivation, Happiness Tips, Self-Confidence, Self-Esteem & Self-Love, Self-Improvement
Living a happier life is something we’re all searching for, right? The main goal of most humans on this planet is to just be happy.
And yet it’s something that feels difficult to achieve a lot of the time. If you fall into the trap of thinking “Once I have x,y,z then I’ll be happy“, then you’ve probably seen time and time again that even once you have everything perfectly in place, you still aren’t happy.
That’s because buying things, losing weight, traveling every other week, or staying busy doesn’t guarantee happiness.
All of these are more of a distraction than anything. It keeps your mind occupied for a little while, making you believe that this is the answer to your happiness.
At the beginning of your journey, you may feel excited or eager to reach these goals. However, for a lot of people even when they reach their goals they don’t always feel that much happier. Even if they do, it seems to vanish quickly after the high is gone.
We as humans are taught to chase what seems important. Things that don’t always mean a happier life.
Like success, money, being attractive, a large home, a good job, etc.
But these things are external factors that are only there to fit in with society. Society says all of these things are acceptable so it’s only natural for all of us to strive for them. But society and social status are not what makes you happy.
What are actually the simplest things in your life? Things that don’t require much of anything. Like the smile on your child’s face, walking your dog, sitting out in the backyard on a Sunday afternoon reading a good book. All of these things fill up your cup in different ways.
Giving you the keys to sustainable happiness throughout your life.
So, if you’re chasing materialistic and external things, I’m not saying that’s a bad thing. I’m just saying to work on the things that truly make you happy internally.
And if you can’t think of anything at the moment, I’ve compiled a list of rules for living a happier life.

Here are 25 Essential Rules for Living a Happier Life
These rules for a happier life are things that create the kind of happiness that sticks with you. It doesn’t disappear as soon as the next new material item catches your interest.
1. Live in the moment.
Stop worrying about the future or dwelling on the past. Appreciate what is happening right now.
2. Give without expectation.
A compliment, a smile, your full attention, or an apology. Lend an ear when someone needs to talk. Forgive someone who has wronged you. There are many areas in which you can give without expectation.
3. Redefine the word failure.
Instead of thinking of it in terms of not succeeding, think of it as a challenge, a stepping stone. Reflect on it to see where things went wrong so you can adjust and keep going forward.
4. Stop overthinking.
Make a conscious effort to quiet your mind to all the negative things that can happen. Instead, focus on the positive outcome and go for it.
5. Own your emotions and actions.
Never place the blame for them on someone or something else.
6. Replace the words “should” or “could” with the word “will”.
I should/will stop smoking. I could/will be happier.
7. Stay focused on what you want.
It’s the only way to reach your goals. When you notice you’re losing focus, reflect on your thoughts and emotions.
Find the core reason for your distraction and deal with it so you can refocus and keep moving forward.
8. Practice acceptance.
Make peace with your past. Accept who and where you are now. Be aware of your strengths and weaknesses. Set realistic goals.
9. Allow your emotions to guide you, but not define you.
It’s perfectly okay to feel emotions as they indicate you’ve experienced something that needs your attention.ย But don’t allow them to shape your life, to define or control you.
10. Let go of your inner ‘control freak’ so you can experience all that life offers.
The need to be in control is based on fear and the desire to feel safe. But you cannot control everything. In fact, the only thing you have full control of is yourself. For true happiness, sometimes you must let go of the reins and see where life takes you.
11. Place more value on your experiences than on things.
When you think about it, material possessions come and go. They may make you happy in the short-term but that’s about it. What you remember most about them is the experiences you had with them – in buying, using, and enjoying them.
12. Celebrate even the smallest wins.
Big wins are great, but a happy life is filled with lots of small wins too.
13. Make each day worth living.
Wake with Mother Nature and enjoy the sunrise. Practice reflection and deep breathing techniques. Rise with intent each day. Smile, laugh, and share your joy.
14. Surround yourself with those who bring out the best in you.
Appreciate them. Express your gratitude for them being in your life. Share the love with others.
15. Be happy with yourself.
Don’t compare yourself to others. Don’t rely on others to make you happy. Know that you are enough.
16. Stop talking and start listening.
The more you listen to yourself, the better you understand your thoughts, feelings, and actions. The more you listen when others are speaking, the deeper your connections will become.
17. Practice gratitude every day.
The more often you feel gratitude, the quicker it will become a habit. The more gratitude you feel, the more positive emotions you will evoke.
18. Start each day with the intent to be happy.
Wake up each morning and tell yourself “Today is going to be a great day and I’m going to make the most of it.” Starting the day with a positive thought will set your subconscious to seek out more positive things all day.
19. Don’t allow others to tell you what you should think or how you should feel.
You are in control of your thoughts and feelings. Only you know what’s happening on the inside.
20. Step out of your comfort zone.
Open your mind to new possibilities.
21. Stop thinking success will make you happy.
The opposite is true. Happiness makes you successful.
22. Follow your passion.
Find what makes you feel passionate and do it. Do more of what you love and less of what you don’t.
23. Find your true purpose.
If your life feels like it’s off-track, it could be that you’re not following your true purpose. Spend some time getting to know yourself and your desires. Find that one thing that makes life worth living well.
24. Practice forgiveness.
When you refuse to forgive, you only hurt yourself. Rather than view forgiveness as something you do for the other person, do it for yourself. By forgiving, you open more room within yourself for love, kindness, beauty, and happiness.
25. Focus on the positive.
Train yourself to speak and think in positive terms. Practice viewing the glass as half full rather than half empty.
Every time you experience negative self-talk, turn that negative into a positive. When something bad happens, accept responsibility for your part inย it but do not place full blame on yourself.
25 Essential Rules For A Happier Life
These are 25 Essential Rules for Living a Happier Life. Do you have more to add to this list? Let me know in the comments below!

by The Lovely Refinement Team | Aug 31, 2019 | Self-Confidence, Self-Esteem & Self-Love, Self-Improvement
What are some ways to have more confidence? Confidence feels like an iffy thing. Some days you may feel better than others. And on the good days, you may even wonder if you struggle with confidence at all.
But then things pile onto your plate, life becomes stressful and it doesn’t take long before you start to wonder if you’re good enough.
Are you capable enough to get through this?
And the unfortunate thing is when we experience trying times it can damage our confidence levels. The longer you stay in difficult moments, the harder it becomes to feel good about anything.
But the thing with confidence and self-esteem is it requires a conscious effort on your part to build it.
Just like a muscle in your body, having confidence takes a little work and some time to establish. And once you do feel confident enough, you also have to maintain it so when bad things happen you don’t feel the rug pulling out from under you.
That’s why it feels iffy. When we reach a point of feeling good enough we still have to put the work in to take care of ourselves and work on confidence. It’s not something you just let go of once you feel good enough.
Because eventually, your confidence will wane again. And this is good for you to just be aware of. If you think that some people are just born with confidence, that’s not the case. Some people are raised to believe in themselves and not question things.
But others grow up always feeling unsure if anything they’re doing is right. It depends on your specific situation and what you’re surrounded by in your life.
If you have a lot of negativity and toxic people in your life, your confidence and self-worth will crumble over time.
On the other hand, if you have a supportive group of people in your life who encourage you and are there for you when times get tough, your confidence will grow.
Tips To To Have More Confidence
Below I’m going to list 25 ways to have more confidence and I encourage you to pick out things on this list that fit into what you want to focus on more.
Write these things down and work on implementing little things into your daily life. Some of the things on this list are very easy to do and require little effort.

Once you learn how to add more of these into your life, you will begin to feel confident and it will become sustainable instead of feeling like it comes and goes.
Here are 25 Ways to Have More Confidence
ย ย Replace negative thoughts with positive ones
ย ย Ditch stains and holes. Dress nicely
ย ย Visualize yourself as you want to be.
ย ย Spend extra time on personal hygiene
ย ย Challenge yourself to do something outside your comfort zone
ย ย Take time to get to know yourself
ย ย Practice gratitude
ย ย Challenge your inner critic. It’s your worst enemy.
ย ย Stand tall and look people in the eye
ย ย Learn something new (Like This!)
ย ย Volunteer your time
ย ย Set and achieve a small goal
ย ย Replace a bad habit with something good
ย ย Set personal boundaries and hold firm to them
ย ย Smile often
ย ย Focus on the solutions rather than the problems
ย ย Take up something fun that gets you physically active ย ย
ย ย Complete something you’ve been procrastinating about
ย ย Make a list of your positive qualities and achievements
ย ย Bring out your inner creativity through art, music, dance, photography, or whatever you enjoy
ย ย Spend more time with those you care about
ย ย Distance yourself from those who do not encourage and support you
ย ย Clean and organize the space you spend the most time in
ย ย At the end of each work day, clear your desk
ย ย Take better care of yourself; physically, emotionally, and socially.
25 Ways To Have More Confidence – Conclusion
There you go! There are 25 ways you can feel more confident in your everyday life. If this list feels overwhelming, just pick one thing.
Once you’ve decided on that one thing, plan out how you’re going to add that to each day throughout the week. Identify the resistance you may be feeling towards trying this, and really start to focus on just taking one small step towards feeling more confident.
If you have any questions or comments feel free to leave a message below!

by The Lovely Refinement Team | Aug 7, 2019 | Self-Esteem & Self-Love, Self-Improvement
Your mind works in mysterious yet powerful ways.
I know all too well that it doesnโt seem easy (or even possible) to change your mind on things.
Whether thatโs when youโre feeling anxious, depressed, overwhelmed with negative thoughts, or you just donโt feel too great about yourself.
The good news is it’s not too difficult to develop a growth mindset.
Develop A Growth Mindset To Strengthen Your Confidence
Youโve probably heard the term โyou are a product of your thoughtsโ, and while there is some truth to this I also think itโs placing blame on the way you think.
People will often tell you to just get over it, stop being sad, and just be happy, or why canโt you stop worrying so much? And some of these people may just tell you to change the way you think, and you will feel better.
But, thatโs now how it works. Whatever thought trap you are in right now is brought on by way more than just the thoughts in your head.
Itโs based on the experiences youโve gone through, what your brain has been exposed to, and how you have been taught to handle these experiences.

And while something like anxiety or depression is not to be taken lightly, there are things you can do to work on feeling better.
Iโve learned this through my own experience. Iโve had both anxiety and depression for years. Sometimes I felt so awful that I would sit on my couch and play video games for days, ordering takeout and ignoring anything from the outside world.
Itโs about creating new habits and changing your behavior. A growth mindset means being open-minded and allowing yourself to learn. Even when you make mistakes.
Your brain is on auto-pilot like 80% of the time. Especially during the week. Think about your schedule, how you wake up at the same time, go to work, drive home, and have your evening routine. All of these things are done without much thought.
Itโs partly what makes eating healthy and getting into a workout routine more difficult. You have to combat the engrained habits consciously until the habit of thinking positively, eating more veggies, and working out becomes sub-conscious.
Your thoughts, actions, responses, and future are all affected by the mind. Transforming your mind might seem like something magical, but it is very doable.
Here are some tips to develop a growth mindset so you can have a happier, more focused, and enlightened mind.
Be open to changing your mind
I think thereโs a difference between wanting to change how you think and actually doing it.
In order to develop a growth mindset, it takes effort, time, and work. If you donโt want to put in the work badly enough you will just fall back into your old mindset.
So, first, think about why you want to change your mind.
This is going to be the biggest step for you, and the most important one. You need to envision how you actually want to feel. Because just deciding on a whim to change wonโt last very long.
Think about โWhy do I actually want to do this?โ I remember when I was depressed nearly every single day. The first thing that goes through your mind when youโre depressed is the motivation to do anything. So, I had no reason to feel better.
I was convinced I would never feel better.
But, one day I broke down and cried for the 15th time within a short amount of time. I was so sad and unhappy. Nothing mattered. And I realized at that moment that I was in a deep depression.
And I knew that no matter how hard I tried, I wouldnโt ever care enough to feel better. But, I just had to try. I had to be open to this idea of change even if I didnโt see anything in that moment.
So even if youโre feeling down and upset, I encourage you to work on this. Think about what does or used to make you happy. What lights that spark inside you? And work towards that.
Be in love, not just with someone else but with yourself and your life.
Happiness comes and goes. If your goal is to be content and happy all of the time, itโs not a very realistic goal. Life is full of great moments, as well as challenging moments.
The key to developing a growth mindset is being aware of these challenges, and allowing them into your life. You don’t need to avoid the hard times, you just have to allow them to be there.
To set an expectation of yourself to just feel amazing all the time is setting yourself up for failure. Itโs also not giving you the credit you deserve.
Identify the moments when youโre struggling and donโt try to change it. Work on caring about yourself and going easy during the tough moments.
If you want to feel happier and more positive, focus on yourself. Donโt beat yourself up and try not to set crazy expectations.
Just say โIโm doing the best I can.โ And take a break. Take baby steps and continue to move forward.
Take time to do what makes you happy
A lot of times, we can get stuck in the rut of day-to-day life, working dead-end jobs that have no real meaning and value to our lives.
Just getting by wonโt transform your mind or outlook on life.
Live your passion! Strive to perfect your daily life and open up your mind to possibilities outside of your comfort zone.
Showing yourself that you can do anything you put your mind to is one of the best ways to transform your mind, forever. It builds up trust within yourself and gives you more confidence to go after the things you want.
Related:ย How to Build Self-Worth & Start Believing in Yourself Again
Eat organic brain food- vegetables and fruits
Feeding your brain the purest and highest quality foods will give you the greatest advantage.
Chemicals in non-organic foods play a big role in the hormones associated with our feelings.
Too many hormones/pesticides in our foods can cause an imbalance in our own bodies, which will make balancing our minds difficult. Eliminate those pesticides and hormones. Your body, mind, and soul will thank you.
Transforming your mind isnโt magic. Itโs all about transforming yourself, your level of happiness, and your drive in this world. You can do this!
by The Lovely Refinement Team | Jul 20, 2019 | Dealing With Emotions, Finding Motivation, Happiness Tips, Self-Confidence, Self-Esteem & Self-Love, Self-Improvement
Why Courage is the Foundation to a Better Life. Once you establish courage, you begin to better your life.
Constructing courage will help you take risks to a brighter future that you usually wouldn’t take. When you establish courage, you put fear behind you.
Bravery is the process of admitting that you have dreads, yet you’re willing to determine a way to defeat those fears and not let these fears take charge of you. It’s ok to experience your fears at suitable times.
When you establish courage, you’ll learn to self-direct yourself in life.
You’ll learn to accept punishment and rewards graciously.
A courageous individual will frequently feel motivated to accept blame and responsibility while critiquing their actions and utilizing what they learn to move forward.
Brave individuals will step to the front, instead of stepping back when opportunities come their way.
At the same time, a brave individual will step back and take a view at his or her errors gracefully. They are willing to see their mistakes and grow from these things.
An individual willing to better their life will relax.
This individual will relax even when plans fail. For example, if it stormed the next day the individual will find something else to occupy his or her time and feel just as happy about joining this adventure.
You learn to take things as they come to you. And don’t get me wrong, it’s great to plan for things.
But, to be courageous means to walk into the unknown and believe you will make it through. And you know how unpredictable life can be no matter how much you plan for it.
Courage teaches you to be ok with the what-ifs in life and allows you to relax and enjoy your life more.
To be successful and better your life you’ll need to learn how to trust yourself.
When you trust yourself, you are able to trust others too. Regrettably, we live in a world where trust is difficult to find, yet when you trust yourself, you canโt blame other people when things go wrong.
It’s not easy believing in yourself 100% of the time. Life gets really freaking hard sometimes and it shakes you up.
Things happen to you that make you question yourself and the people around you, and it’s so easy for trust to be broken.
But, I believe that in order to really love yourself and feel confident in your own skin you have to build up that trust from within. Do things that push you out of your comfort zone and make it a positive experience.
Write down mini-wins in your notebook about how you made it through a tough day, or about a moment in your life when you weren’t sure of yourself but did it anyway.
Take note of these things and encourage yourself to grow, because this is how you build courage and how you build trust.
Related:ย How to Love Yourself More and Develop a Positive Mindset
Bettering your life includes utilizing your creative and critical mind.
When you can produce fresh ideas, you’re off on the road to success. You’ve many options in this world; it takes you to pull up resources to find those choices.
Occasionally in life, we feel uncomfortable. In fact, this is common.
Are you willing to accept your irritations?
Maybe at an interview, you feel lost. Are you willing to accept this irritation and discover a way to deliver a great speech to impress the interviewer? Alternatively, are you willing to allow negative energies to cost you the job?
Acceptance is your key to happiness.
When you are able to learn to accept the good with the bad, you are able to learn how to live happier and better your life.
If you can’t accept, however, well, reread this material again.
Have more fun adding more happiness to your life by trying this Smoothie Revolution Recipe!
- 1 ยฝ cups dairy-free milk
- 1 cup kale
- ยฝ cup parsley leaves (flat-leaf)
- 1 green apple, chopped
- 1 tablespoon flax meal or chia seeds
- 1 teaspoon maca powder

by The Lovely Refinement Team | Jul 20, 2019 | Dealing With Emotions, Finding Motivation, Happiness Tips, Self-Confidence, Self-Esteem & Self-Love, Self-Improvement
Often times, negative thoughts can creep into our day-to-day life and cause a little bump in our lives. Negative thoughts can affect our drive and ability to navigate through lifeโs tasks as fluidly as weโd like.
A negative mindset can also affect sleep, motivation, productivity, emotional strength, and stability.
Negative energy can pull you down, and the unconscious mind works in such powerful ways, to diminish our happiness and make us feel poorly about certain things in our life.
If youโre feeling down or overrun by negative thoughts, read on for some guidance on overcoming this obstacle.
How to Cleanse Your Mind of Negative Thoughts
The most effective way to cleanse your mind of negative energy is to find the source of your unhappiness;
The root of what is directly causing these negative thoughts to surface. Ask yourself, what is causing me to have these negative thoughts?
Is it another person putting these thoughts into your head? Is it how you view yourself personally?
Start by finding the root of the problem and then you can work from there. This can be an eye-opening experience for a lot of people because we are often too afraid to dig any deeper.
We don’t want to reveal why it is we think so negatively all the time, for fear of making it worse. When in reality once you identify the poisonous source you can then work on removing it from your life.
Your happiness lies in the solution to your answer.
Related:ย How to Get Rid of Negative Thinking and Live a Better Life
1. Find a quiet place to sit and reflect.
Close your eyes and identify the root of your unhappiness. Allow your thoughts and feelings to reflect on how this thought is affecting you. How does it make you feel?
Any time a negative thought floats into your mind try to pay attention to it. What is it about this thought that’s making you feel bad?
Let’s say you neglect to take care of your own needs and wants. When you ignore your own needs it becomes harder to set boundaries with other people. The end result is people taking advantage of your kindness and you’re left feeling empty and depleted.
Your mind can then turn to negative thoughts like “No one cares about me, all I do is care for other people. What is it about me that is so meaningless?”
That’s a negative thought right there, so now it’s time to dissect it a little more. Reflect on why it is you don’t feel good enough. Why is it hard for you to set boundaries with other people? Is it a fear of wanting to be liked, of not being there for someone when they really need you?
This is just an example for someone struggling to set boundaries, but this is the same process you can work through no matter what thoughts you are having. This way you can identify the negativity and really begin to understandย why it is you feel this way.
2. At this point, decide what you would like to replace your negative thoughts with.
Perhaps a word or phrase, an action, or a happy memory.
Feel yourself releasing the tension and negative thoughts from your head to your toes. Visualizing the tension exiting your body and replacing that space with positivity is the key to permanently ridding yourself of these negative thoughts.
Soak it in and let it absorb the empty space of negativity that has left your body.
This takes time, perhaps as short as 3 minutes, or as long as 8-10 minutes. However long it takes, ensuring you have completely detached from the negative thoughts is important. Any stranded thoughts can resurface into the negative energy you are working at resolving.
Replacing a negative thought with a positive one is an easy practice that shouldn’t have much weight attached to it. You are just trying to retrain your brain into thinking better about yourself.
There will be days where your negativity takes over your mind and that’s ok, don’t force positive thoughts if they aren’t coming to you.
Related:ย How to Love Yourself More and Develop a Positive Mindset
3. Go slow and be patient with yourself
Like I said, telling yourself to just be more positive won’t work. Filling your mind with affirmations that you don’t fully believe won’t work.
There is stuff thatย doesย work, and it’s the most realistic thing you can do. Affirmations sound great in theory, but they don’t make much sense in the real world. When you are struggling mentally and just want the bad thoughts to disappear.
What does help, is going easy on yourself and taking it slow Just like with anything else, cleansing your negative thoughts takes time.
It involves being patient and kind with yourself, and not giving up when you have setbacks.
How to Cleanse Your Mind of Negative Thoughts – Conclusion
Truthfully, I still have days where my mind is FULL of negative toxic thoughts. Even when I try everything in the book to feel better, I just can’t.
That’s when I just tell myself “Ok, today is not my day. Things will get better because it all balances out. But, today I am not going to force myself to work on this when clearly my brain just wants to be negative.”
When I tell myself this, I then do something that takes very little brainpower.
Like watching Netflix or silly YouTube videos. Do something where you don’t have to think too much and try to take that pressure off.
Print out this post and leave it on your refrigerator. Anytime you feel negative energy creeping your way, commit to this quick yet effective guideline to cleanse your mind!

by The Lovely Refinement Team | Jul 20, 2019 | Dealing With Emotions, Finding Motivation, Happiness Tips, Self-Confidence, Self-Esteem & Self-Love, Self-Improvement
Learning how to love yourself more takes time… and truthfully it’s a process that you go through for the rest of your life.
We often have to unlearn a lot of things we were taught growing up. And separate our own beliefs from the ones others put into our brains at an early age.
If you grew up feeling unsure of yourself and not knowing how to properly love yourself, you are definitely not alone! As children, we have to frequently be nurtured and encouraged, but it’s all too easy for adults to ignore these things.
Not by any fault of their own… we are human after all.
That just means as you grow up and learn to do things on your own, like live on your own, cook your own food, and provide for yourself, you also have to learn how to love yourself.
No matter what age you are it’s never too late to learn. I wish loving yourself was something we were taught in high school, but it’s not. It’s something you learn as you grow up and develop into the person you’re supposed to be.
How To Love Yourself More – Develop A Positive Mindset
So how do we get there? What steps need to be taken to fully love yourself more?
1. Be More Mindful
It first starts with becoming more mindful of how you react to things. Whether that’s being triggered by something bad or when something makes you feel happy.
You have to start being more mindful of what your body is telling you. By listening to yourself more and your internal cues, you can begin to understand what your needs and wants are.
I like to say that becoming more mindful is the same as basically resetting your brain because you have gone your whole life up to this point thinking a certain way. And if you don’t know how to love yourself then you have to change that thought process.
You have to take a step back and pay attention to what your mind and body is doing. Then, learn how to listen to what you need because chances are you have ignored your own needs and wants for aย long time.
Long enough to completely forget what it is that you enjoy.
2. Identify Your Surroundings
So as you are becoming more mindful and aware, you then have to pay attention to your surroundings. What are the people you spend your time with like? Are they generally pretty positive or do you have some people in your life who only see the negative?
If you have struggled to love yourself growing up, was there anyone in your family that made you question your worth? Sometimes parents, intentionally or not, can make their children feel like they aren’t good enough. We value our parents’ opinions as we grow up and if they disapprove this can have a direct effect on your own self-worth.
Allowing others to decide how worthy you are means you don’t love yourself very much. It means you don’t matter as much.
And this is totally normal, but I want to point it out to you. If you place your value in other people’s hands then you have to start identifying when you do this, with whom you do this, and why. What is it that makes you compare yourself to others, to not feel as good as you should?
Think about these questions as you continue reading through.
Related: 15 Important Things to Do When You Don’t Feel Good Enough
4. Set Boundaries and Limits
I think setting boundaries is a difficult thing to do. You want other people to like you, so you ignore warning signs and allow people to walk all over you.
I do this, too. In the past, I have let others completely take advantage of me just because I wanted to be nice and wanted people to like me. For the longest time, I cared wayyy too much about what people thought of me.
And if you’re an empath then setting boundaries will be a little more difficult for you. Because you can give and give and give until your cup is depleted. Until you have absolutely nothing else left to give.
But, you need to protect yourself from certain people in the world who just take and take. It would be so amazing if everyone could sense when they are taking advantage of someone, but it’s just not the case.
That’s why setting boundaries is so necessary for your own growth. For you to love yourself you have to take a stand for yourself. You need to say no and draw a line at the moments you don’t feel comfortable.
If you need a night to yourself to recharge, cancel your plans and do what YOU need to reset. If you ignore your wants and needs, then you will not feel mentally strong enough to stick to the boundaries you set.
5. Loving yourself is a process and you will have setbacks.
You’ll have moments that you will self-sabotage and not feel so great. But, then you can get right back up and keep going on the journey of loving yourself.
Self-sabotage is a habit that we create. That’s all it is… a habit, which can be changed with some effort.
When we get triggered, we self-sabotage. Even if you are feeling amazing you might have this fear inside you that takes over and says “Oh no, you’re happy… that means things are about to get really bad soon.” so you somehow end up ruining the good things in your life.
But, I’m happy to say that you can break this cycle. It’s just ingrained into your brain, but you can learn to break those bad habits that you’re in and move forward.
As long as you don’t give up, you will start to love and believe in yourself over time.
How to Develop a Positive Mindset
1. Energy Attracts Energy
Energy tends to attract similar energy, whether it is good or bad energy.
If you are sending out negative thoughts constantly, you are probably going to get that negative energy back.
On the other hand, if you can put all the most positive energy out, then you will get positive energy back. This is the core of why positive thinking works in your favor and why you should start embracing it more in your regular life.
2. Support Others More
Positive thinking isnโt just good for your own life, but for others as well!
If misery loves company, then doesnโt happiness?
By being a happier, more fulfilled person, you can spread that positive energy around and help others feel better as well.
Try to remain positive and uplifted when talking to other people in your daily life, and you will be amazed by what a more peaceful place the world becomes. Positive energy truly spreads around just as quickly as negative energy.
3. Improve Your Physical Health
Many people look at positive thinking and self-improvement as something that helps their mental health, which is true, but thatโs not all. It can also have a positive impact on your mental health.
Whether you have mental conditions like anxiety and stress or just want to improve your mental clarity and focus, it can be really useful.
Positive thinking helps you to feel better, which can then create better motivation, and higher energy, and help you find more inspiration.
Related:ย 10 Ways Exercise Improves Your Mental Health
4. Get into Meditation
Positive thinking, mindfulness, and meditation, all go hand-in-hand. When you are working on one of them, the rest tend to follow.
Start meditating and practicing mindfulness while you are focusing on more positive thoughts, and it will make all the other benefits even better.
Suddenly you feel like you can take on anything and the positive energy will surround you.